Are you struggling and doing your best to design the right web page for your business or clients? Does coding and HTML5 give you a hard time? Well, maybe it is time you let an …
Aesthetics are important. However, aesthetics alone don’t guarantee success on the web. Search is a fundamental channel for acquiring visitors for websites and hence search engine friendliness should be a fundamental element of your web …
Blogging has changed a lot in past few years. It nowadays represents celebrities, organizations, and people who like to share their knowledge and thoughts with global community. If you add to this the fact that …
Designing business applications is a challenging task and one needs to thoroughly know its knitty-gritties to come up with the best solution for his/her client. Most of us tend to use websites and web applications …
It can be argued that user experience and SEO are sometimes at odds with each other – in the past, SEO has focused on serving search engine algorithms, rather than helping users to have the …
For newbies, who are just starting out on WordPress, don’t worry, you will always be a newbie as far as web platforms are concerned, as there will always be some learning to do. If you …
When designing for digital media, what you see is what you get. Your final design represents the actual final product. However, when you design for print media, your final design still has to be printed …
One of the greatest pieces of advice that applies to the worlds of business, marketing and design is KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid. As a designer, your primary goal is communication; you want to …
In the modern era of technology the role of web world is critical, internet is playing major role in the stability and consistency of modern technology. With the help of internet, people can share and …
The church group you belong to is organizing a bake and rummage sale and you get elected to design the flyer. Finding volunteers to provide the food and goods is easy but advertising the event …