IP addresses are an essential part of how we browse the internet, but they can also hold us back or leave us vulnerable. How do they work, how can we hide them, and why would …
What is WordPress? WordPress is one of the most popular content management system and CMS; which is based on PHP and MySQL. It is a free tool which help us to build websites and create …
For many years if website owners wanted a site that could be viewed on mobile phones or tablets, they had to have several sites, one for PCs and others for the mobile devices. This was …
A website is one crucial aspect that signifies the success of an online business. This is why, people invest a lot of money and time in the best of web design that can represent their …
Days when businesses used websites for sharing information and promoting products only, are long gone. Today, companies use websites to improve customer experiences and increase traffic conversion. However, to offer your website visitors with the …
Twitter remains among the world’s most popular social media platforms. Though its monthly active user growth has slowed in recent years, and by some counts is actually in decline, its influence outstrips raw numbers. That’s …
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a good business without a website or even an application for different mobile services.However, lots of the entrepreneurs still ignore the great potential of the usage of various techniques …
Before we dive deep into the topic let’s consolidate few numerical facts regarding the beneficiary of having the video for your product and marketing campaign. 90% of online shoppers stated that a video helps them …
Many businesses today research extensively when choosing the best design for their website. This is because website visitors and clients characterize a website as functional by how it appears to their eyes. A website design …
Could your personal website use some work? Follow these six tips, all of which you can start (and probably complete, save for #1 and #3) this week. 1. Get in a Writing Groove Your website …