Top 3 Web Design Trends To Watch In 2019


Web design trends are perpetually changing and not staying up-to-date could be hindering your site’s user experience. Now not all trends are a must-do when it comes to website tweaks. But many have value for increasing many of the key metrics Google and other search engines use to rank your site against your competitors.

One of the main issues that continue to arise is that web design trends are simply that, “trends.” What may be hot today could very well be not so great in as little as three to six months. This makes staying abreast of all UX, UI, and SEO trends critical to keep traffic coming in, and conversions stacking up.

What are the latest trends for 2019? The following ideas you can implement in Q4 to help your site, or your clients’ websites are worth a look. Let’s get right into it.

Creative Images And Illustration

Visual content continues to trend in a big way, and this trend will not be going anywhere in 2019. In fact, the creative photo design and illustrations of next year will be more stylish than ever before.

Why? Site owners and managers are creating their own visual content instead of going with the traditional stock footage. This is where illustrations play a big role. For example, let’s say that you are a health type company, and instead of using a stock image of a doctor and patient, you employ the power of an illustrated doctor and patient.

“Like minimalism, illustrative web design is a very distinct and impactful way to showcase a brand,” Harrison Weber of TNW explained. “Illustrations communicate personality, skill and creativity, and if done correctly, ultimately create a completely original presentation that can’t be replicated by other designers.”

This illustration will of course match your branding better, as well as have the ability to tell a story that a stock image simply cannot. If you want to make web design waves in 2019, think illustrations.

Create And Manage A Podcast Web Page

Another powerful web design trend that has multiple benefits is designing and managing a podcast webpage. This not only builds a user experience unparalleled to most of your competitors, it also boosts your marketing efforts.

SrinivasaRaghavan, the Founder ofAnimaker, told Content Marketing Institute, “I see the renaissance of podcasting. We all thought that audio content died with the coming of visual content. However, audio has a huge upper hand when it comes to saving time. Everyone is multitasking these days. For example, you can always listen to a podcast while commuting.”

While visual content like creative image design and illustrations is certainly trending, so will audio content in 2019. Why else would dictation apps, or a dictation tool built into a mobile device be so popular? Take a look at podcasts in your industry and niche and see if there is a market for your very own.

Take A Look At Animation

As popular as illustrations will be in 2019 when it comes to web design trends, be ready for those illustrations to start to come to life. Animation has taken on a whole new form for both B2B and B2C sales and lead generation. They not only connect with potential customers in an engaging way, they are also on brand and deliver your value proposition in a non-intrusive way.

This is especially important for tech companies attempting to explain complicated software in an easy to digest way. Animation can do this, and with ease. A mix between video/visual content and illustration, it is a one-two punch that more web designers are implementing into their clients’ websites.

For instance, you can easily build an animation series around your entire sales funnel, a video for awareness, evaluation, and conversion. This can have a major impact on you or your client’s bottom line.

“Great user experiences, intuitive interactions and carefully-calibrated site architecture aren’t just nice to have — they are crucial to organic search, to the success of content programs, to the ability of a site to convert,” according to Kurt Lambert, VP of SEO at Silverback Strategies.

In Conclusion . . .

There are a number of up coming web design trends to watch in 2019. The above are just a few very impactful ones that can take you or your clients’ sites to the next level. From animation to illustration, there is a lot of value in content that is seen and heard, rather than read. What web design trends are you looking to implement next year?