Give Away 8 Google Wave Invitations From DesignBeep


You know Google introduced Google Wave a few months ago as a beta version.The system is not like the other applications of Google which you have to be invited from a Google Wave user or be accepted directly from Google.

15 days ago i’ve requested for a Google Wave account and yesterday they accepted my request which i can invite my friends to join Google Wave.First i invited my 2 cousions 😉 and 8 Google Wave invitations left to invite.

I think it will good for our blog readers DesignBeep to send invitation.

UPDATE:2 More Left

First of all let me tell you What Google wave is.

Google Wave is a project announced by Google at the Google I/O conference on May 28, 2009 [see above video] It is a web application and computing platform designed to bring together e-mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking, with a strong collaborative focus, mixed with spellchecker and translator extensions, which are able to work in concert, in real-time. It is planned to be released later in 2009. Wiki

Google Wave Video

Some Screenshots from Google Wave

What You Have To Do To Get An Invitation.

I t is very easy to participate and get the invitation.All you have to do is to write  the web design blogs you like as a comment and tweet  this post and please don’t forget to fill a valid e-mail address so i can send you the invitation:)

First 8 commenters will get the invitation

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