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20 More jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins For Your Blog

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WordPress is the best and powerful content management system for people without the need of any development knowledge.An average internet user can easily setup a blog for him or herself and spread the word.But when it comes to for a more professional blogging you need to use some features of wordpress to make it more dynamic,user friendly and interactive.So wordpress plugins is the solution for this.

In today’s post we will be sharing jQuery powered wordpress plugins to add interactivity to your blog.With the jQuery plugins you can add animations,slideshows,drop downs,form validations etc. very easily so you can take your wordpress blog a step further.

You may also take a look at our past wordpress plugins;


Simply Instagram

jquery wordpress plugins

Simply Instagram displays your photos from Instagram either using Widget or Short Code.
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HTML5 jQuery Audio Player

jquery wordpress plugins

This trendy looking music player lets you add a single audio track or a full playlist to your WordPress site using shortcode. You can customise the colours of the player, and also display ratings, album cover art, and buy/download link if needed.
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jQuery UI Widgets

jquery wordpress plugins

Easily add jQuery UI widgets to any post, page, or sidebar! All standard pre-defined jQuery themes are supported.
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Add Social Bookmarks

jquery wordpress plugins

WP Add Social Bookmarks + Animation effect is a plug-in designed to add major social bookmarks to your website.
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jQuery Colorbox

jquery wordpress plugins

The plugin adds Colorbox/Lightbox functionality to images, grouped by post or page. Works for WordPress and NextGEN galleries. Comes with different themes.
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jQuery Notebook

jquery wordpress plugins

This plugin is use to display a category post as a Digital book style.
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jQuery Tinytips

jquery wordpress plugins

The plugin adds tinytips tooltips to links on your site. Comes with 8 different themes. The tinytip can be added to a link using the WordPress visual editor.
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JQuery Mega Menu Widget

jquery wordpress plugins

Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple mega menus on each page, offers either “fade In” or “slide down” effects and the option to use hover or click to show the sub-menu.
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jQuery Notify

jquery wordpress plugins

This plugin is an attractive, lightweight, and highly configurable jQuery notification pane.
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Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7

jquery wordpress plugins

This plugin adds jquery validation to your contact form 7. You will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card, phone number in the contact form 7 fields.
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JQuery Accessible Tooltip

jquery wordpress plugins

JQuery Accessible Tooltip is an extension of the default search plugin and uses the JQuery WAI-ARIA enabled tooltip.
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jQuery Image Carousel

jquery wordpress plugins

A WordPress plugin implemented as a shortcode for creating a slideshow right from the posts screen.
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jQuery Horizontal Slider

jquery wordpress plugins

This is a plugin/widget for create slider menus or slider galleries with a horizontal JQuery effect.
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JQuery Expanding Box

jquery wordpress plugins

This plugin creates a shortcode to add an expandable box to show and hide the selected content on a post or page with customisable show and hide links
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WP UI – Tabs, Accordions, Sliders

jquery wordpress plugins

Easily add Tabs, Accordion, dialogs and collapsibles to your posts. With 14 fresh & Unique CSS3 styles and 24 multiple jQuery UI custom themes.
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Easy FancyBox

jquery wordpress plugins

Easy FancyBox plugin for WordPress websites gives you a flexible and aesthetic lightbox solution for just about all media links on your website. Easy FancyBox uses the packed FancyBox jQuery extension and is WP 3+ Multi-Site compatible. After activation you can find a new section FancyBox on your Settings > Media admin page where you can manage the plugins options.
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Portfolio Slideshow

jquery wordpress plugins

Easily add a clean and simple javascript slideshow to your site. The slideshow integrates well into any design, supports fluid-width themes, and offers lots of options for power users, too.
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Total Control HTML5 Audio Player is jQuery Plugin

jquery wordpress plugins

The Total Control HTML5 Audio Player is jQuery plugin that streams audio and features a manageable playlist. Playlist rows can be dragged and dropped to rearrange song order. Also, users can choose which songs are to be skipped when repeat is enabled.
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Bliss Facebook Likebox

jquery wordpress plugins

This jQuery base Facebook plugin places a discreet Facebook tab to the side, top, and bottom of your page visitors can hover over to reveal a like box for your Facebook Fan Page.
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Lazyest Maps

jquery wordpress plugins

This plugin shows your Lazyest Gallery images location on a Google Map.
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