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Category: CSS

css framework

Milligram – A minimalist CSS framework

Milligram is a fresh minimalist CSS framework.Milligram provides a minimal setup of styles for a fast and clean starting point. Just it! It’s only 2kb gzipped! It’s not about a UI framework. It’s been specially …

Stretchy Navigation – A Dropdown Concept

Stretchy Navigation is a rounded navigation trigger that stretches on click/tap to reveal the navigation items.It’s been created by Codyhouse.The idea is to apply a stretching navigation, and create 3 different user cases where this …

Shazam-Like Morphing Button Effect

This a tutorial on how to create a Shazam-like button that morphs into a music player using Snap.svg.In this tutorial you will create a Shazam-like UI where we initially have a simple button that, when …

Interactive 3D Room Display With CSS

An experimental interactive room slideshow based on the prototype concept by Bilal Mechairia’s Dribbble shot “Spaces”. This little experiment based on a Dribbble shot by Bilal Mechairia’s, called “Spaces”. The idea is to show an …

CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept

This is a CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept by David Khourshid.It’s based on Calendar App Animation by Kirill.Personally the color combination with gradients is really beautiful and with this app you can enjoy managing your schedule. …
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