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Category: Typography

How To Choose the Right Typeface for Your Project

In visual communication, typefaces are not just aesthetic choices. They contribute to how messages are conveyed and perceived.  The power of compelling typefaces can transform simple messages into enticing and persuasive narratives. They can also …

Graphic Design Terms: Go-to Guide

When you start learning graphic design or go from the beginner level to intermediate, following the courses or conversations become like interpreting Latin without a dictionary. You can hear words similar to English but do …

Anatomy of Typography

It’s been said that great Typography goes unnoticed but in the latest web designing trends always follow wide range of Typography designs in their templates even its just a web login form template. Great Typography …

The Evolution of Typography Trends

The written word has allowed us to document history, our thoughts and feelings or send messages through the ages. While we may have started with pictures to convey what we wanted to say, we’ve since …

Beautiful Examples Of Typography In Advertising

Recently dizyne.net published a great collection of advertisement examples and to be honest this inspired us to create a bigger collection of print ads with beautiful typography. You know,we are all surrounded with advertisements whether …
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