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Author: Designbeep Staff

5 Crucial SEO Copywriting Mistakes to Consider

Nothing makes a marketer’s blood run cold quite like three little letters – SEO. It’s possibly the most confusing acronym out there. People simply don’t understand how to properly engage in search engine optimization. That’s …

4 Small Business Ideas for Gamers

Gaming is a passion and in spite of how it was viewed at one point in time, it is no longer meant for children only. In fact, e-sports has basically turned competitive gaming into a …

Why SEO Matters More Than Ever

If you aren’t familiar with the acronym, SEO stands for search engine optimization. When you plug in a question, product, or item you’re looking to purchase on Google, the results are far from arbitrary. Search …

Great Cities for Creatives to Find Work

Working in graphic design or another creative field can be exciting and fulfilling for many people. Whether you work as a freelancer or have a full-time position in this field, it’s important to find a …
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