How Blogging Can Increase Footfall to Your Physical Store


If you are still running your business as a brick-and-mortar operation, the idea of blogging to get more customers might not have crossed your mind as being necessary. Nevertheless, this approach can generate a lot of interest and increase the foot traffic into your store.

Starting a blog can be overwhelming, but such skills can be learned in online courses or consider outsourcing the blogging. Here is how a blog can get more customers into your store:

Make your business attractive to customers

Any retailer worth their salt knows having an eye-catching sign and storefront makes people want to go inside. Digital signage provides a chance to use multiple images or animated scenes that are more likely to grab a potential customer’s attention.

Mandoe Media offers its clients software that allows them to create digital signage on indoor and outdoor displays. From menu boards for restauranteurs to slideshows of beauty product sales, the company’s product has the potential to work for you.

People should not only see the first impression you create of the storefront when they visit it. Photographs of your store, both inside and out, added to your blog will entice those who see it online to visit your location.

Digital engagement delivers increased foot traffic

A blog does not need to consist only of written text. Studies show that readers are more engaged by the use of a multimedia approach, including the use of images and videos. While you have already used photographs of your business to attract potential customers, go a step further and upload some videos.

Take your blog reader on a virtual tour of the store, showing them different products and introducing them to your staff. This creates a sense of familiarity within the reader that makes them more inclined to visit your physical location.

You could also consider making some how-to videos for using your products. Combined with engaging written text, this blogging style makes people feel at home long before they have walked through the door.

Incorporate social media

Your social media posts should link to the blog and vice versa, as this offers you more exposure online. Many people will learn about your company on social media, and a handy link that takes them straight to your website and blog is essential.

While social media is a fantastic platform for marketing, you need to go beyond merely advertising your products and their prices. This approach is direct and can be effective when combined with more subtle ideas to attract customer attention.

For example, you can create a social media challenge or competition, where the first customer to snap a selfie outside your store wins a voucher. Even those that do not win will be tempted to come in and browse. Use your blog for advertising these events ahead of time to generate pre-competition excitement.

Let real people do the talking

Sometimes, readers start feeling detached from a blog when it only speaks from one point of view. Therefore, if your blog is giving advice in each post, readers could feel preached to and not want to return. Many readers are looking for what they perceive as a real connection with the person behind the operation.

Making videos of yourself in the store, as mentioned before, is a great start. However, why not let some of your customers do the talking?

Ask clients if they would be prepared to film a short clip or offer a quote ‘on the record’ about their experience at the store. When people see regular folks like themselves on a blog, it resonates with them and makes them feel comfortable with your brand.