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10 Free E-books for Web Designers,Developers and Freelancers-Part 2

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A few weeks ago we shared 10 free ebooks about webdesign,development and freelancing.It was the first part of the series and today the below free ebooks collection is the second part of the serie.Please subscribe to our RSS or newsletter to get the following parts of ther serie

We again handpicked very useful free ebooks for you

Best Practices for Developing a Web Site(Register)
Before developing your next Web site, or redesigning an existing site, download this Internet.com eBook to guide you through the process and plan your project, whether you’re developing a site in-house or outsourcing the project.
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Create Modern Websites Using HTML 5 and CSS 3

This tutorial assumes some basic experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It assumes that you are aware of what an HTML element or tag is, what an attribute means, the basic syntax of HTML markup, the general structure of a Web page, and so on. In terms of CSS, you are expected to be familiar with element, class, and ID-based selectors, the syntax of a CSS property, and how to include CSS in your Web pages using inline or external stylesheets.
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CSS3 Fonts

In this PDf book you will find W3C spec. Process and CSS with font selection in CSS the @font face rule,Open Type font feature support,testing and conformance,font security and ideas for the future
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Using the Social Web to Find Work

It includes ideas and information from [chrisbrogan.com], and takes you from the specifics of using LinkedIn to your benefit, into some ideas on how to grow and nurture your social networks ahead of a need for them.
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Build Your Webmastering Business

It’s 56 page pdf book written by Mark Frank and it is about starting your web design business,attract,manage and build your clients to WIN-WIN Business Success
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HTML5 Quick Learning Guide

A short “quick learning guide”. This guide introduces you to just the main elements of HTML5 that you’ll probably want to use right away. This guide is for those who want to get the basics figured out first, and worry about the finer details later on.
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The Client-Web Designer Relationship,What Both Expect From Each Other

Written by Jerry Kornbluth.It is a 9 page free pdf and he tells us what he learnt in his life shortly let’s say about communicating with clients.
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A Manifesto for Meaningful Design

Would you like a process which would help translate the often vague, unclear wishes of your clients (and yourself, for that matter) into a clear and solid basis for your design? This manifesto will show you how.
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Access by Design

The Universal Usability site houses an unabridged, online version of Access by Design: A Guide to Universal Usability for Web Designers, by Sarah Horton.You’ll find the complete text and illustrations from the printed book here under Access by Design Online. The online version also offers links to texts and tutorials that support and expand on the concepts covered in the book
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The Elevator Pitch for the Future of Graphic Design

As you understand from the title,this e-book tell us the graphic design world in a different way.The topic are ”The Essential Challenge of Graphic Design to the Future of Publishing” , Graphic Design Reduced and Web Design.
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  1. Jairo
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