Tag: css

Advanced Search Form With CSS and jQuery

This is a search form with advanced filtering options and quick link suggestions.It’s been created by Codyhouse.co A search box is an absolute must on content heavy sites. It plays a crucial role. While most …

Cinema Seat Preview Experiment With CSS

This is an experimental demo where a 3D perspective preview is shown for a selected seat in a cinema room.It’s created by Codrops. Shortly, it’s a kind of “realistic” preview of the seat, i.e. see …

Stretchy Navigation – A Dropdown Concept

Stretchy Navigation is a rounded navigation trigger that stretches on click/tap to reveal the navigation items.It’s been created by Codyhouse.The idea is to apply a stretching navigation, and create 3 different user cases where this …

Interactive 3D Room Display With CSS

An experimental interactive room slideshow based on the prototype concept by Bilal Mechairia’s Dribbble shot “Spaces”. This little experiment based on a Dribbble shot by Bilal Mechairia’s, called “Spaces”. The idea is to show an …

Responsive Sidebar Navigation

Responsive Sidebar Navigation is an easy-to-integrate side, vertical navigation, ideal for dashboards and admin areas.Building responsive navigations for mega sites is never an easy task. If you’re working on an admin panel, chances are you’ll …

Type­set – A ty­po­graphic pre-proces­sor for your HTML

Typeset is an html pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy. It uses no client-side JavaScript but gives you hang­ing punc­tu­a­tion, soft hy­phen in­ser­tion, op­ti­cal mar­gin out­dents, small-caps con­ver­sion and punctuation substitution. The processed HTML & CSS renders …

Free 215 Weather Themed Icons CSS

Weather Icons is the only icon font and CSS with 215 weather themed icons, ready to be dropped right into Bootstrap, or any project that needs high quality weather icons. Weather Icons come with OTF …

Image Tilt Effect

A subtle tilt effect for images. The idea is to move and rotate semi-transparent copies with the same background image in order to create a subtle motion or depth effect. Basically add a tilt effect …