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Artsy Media Pop Up Effect With CSS

This is a fun experiment with proof-of-concepts for various simple media pop ups on hover or touch. The idea is to show images, videos or other media in a pop up style with different effects. …

CSS Loaders With Pure CSS

Simple loaders for your web applications using only one div and pure CSS. Usually it’s common to show a loader to the users when they must wait something in a web application (an ajax request …

Morphing Navigation Dropdown Tutorial

This is a great tutorial to create a morphing dropdown that animates according to the size of its content. It’s first seen on Stripe.com website which is redesigned and Codyhouse guys has created the same …

Background Segment Effect with CSS and Anime.js

A background image segment effect as seen on Filippo Bello’s Portfolio, employing the CSS clip-path property and powered by anime.js. This is a little decorative effect with you that we’ve encountered on Filippo Bello’s Portfolio, …
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