Cybersecurity Trends 2022


In today’s world, your personal information can be exposed and even businesses can be shut down for a number of days by hackers. The ever-increasing cyberattacks have forced several organizations to pin down hackers – the two-direction relation between the cybersecurity trends we are experiencing these days. 

Lack of proper safety measures can cause losses of billions of dollars for companies. With organizations adopting the work-from-home model amid the pandemic, they are more exposed to such attacks. With this new trend of remote working, the demand for high-speed internet has increased by leaps and bounds. However, people do not pay much attention to the provider they’re signing up for, which also plays an important role in the security of the data. In case, you are looking for reliable internet that offers security as well, we recommend checking out Suddenlink internet

In this post, we will be discussing some of the top cybersecurity trends and how they have impacted IT and internet security. 

Ransomware attacks are increasing

Ransomware tends to be the largest cybersecurity trend. It was estimated that there was an increase of 150% in ransomware attacks last year. This type of attack can cause serious damage to your brand’s image and leave victims unable to access important files. Hackers can make it even worse by auctioning such data on the dark web. 

These attacks are increasing with every passing day because of the emergence of the RaaS business model. Ransomware as a service is used to offer or lease out subscriptions to the malware creations, which can launch more cyberattacks than ever. This model will keep on growing this year because of the profit-making nature and difficulty of tracking down and catching operators. 

Supply Chain threats

Criminals mostly try to attack software supply chains. These attacks are effective because they have the ability to take down an entire supply chain and services, which can result in disturbance and problems for an organization. A survey conducted by CrowdStrike showed that almost 80% of IT professionals think supply chain attacks are the biggest threat. Therefore, it is quite clear why Supply Chain is amongst the top cyber security trends of 2022. 

It grabbed the attention of the masses after an attack on SolarWinds saw the Russians compromising the software systems and adding malicious codes. It became so big that affected thousands of companies and the US government too. 

Awareness and User training 

Research conducted by Infosec showed that about 97% of people around the globe cannot identify a phishing email. Therefore, human error remains a major cause in most cases, suggesting that conventional digital security awareness approaches are not effective anymore. This has led organizations around the world to improve their security as cyberattacks are becoming more aggressive than ever. 

In addition to using strict IT protocols and firewalls, organizations are now in favor of training employees using the Awareness and User training course. Awareness training has now been outdated since they have been replaced by a new security culture. SBCP is now widely used to teach new ways of thinking and new behaviors are implemented to make working methods more secure. Many organizations have also started to make new policies, which focus on how employees share and handle important data. 

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the newest trend but its role is getting bigger and is becoming more proactive. With machine learning, cybersecurity is becoming straightforward, efficient, and affordable. 

This technology utilizes data to create useful algorithms, which develop patterns and modify them. It is then anticipated and responds to potential attacks instantly. In simple words, Machine learning helps cybersecurity in analyzing attack patterns and understanding the activity of the criminals, which reduces the chances of similar attacks again. This also helps in saving a lot of time that allows cyber-professionals to focus on other tasks. 

Cloud Security 

More and more companies and organizations are moving to the cloud with the aid of the top cloud management software options. However, as of right now, the majority of cloud services do not provide authentication, safe encryption, or audit logging. Others do not properly separate user data from that of other cloud tenants that share the same space. As a result, IT security experts believe that cloud security needs to be strengthened.

Cybercriminals may be able to get around internal regulations that protect sensitive data in the cloud database due to poorly configured cloud security. As a result, cloud security is developing into proactive and creative security to thwart online criminals.

Threats can now be detected by predictive security before an attacker even makes a move. It has the ability to identify assaults that evade other endpoint security. 

GDPR Compliance

One of the most important changes to data privacy law in the countries of the European Union (EU) is the general data protection regulation or GDPR. Although the rule originated in the EU, it applies to any business, regardless of location, that markets products or services to EU citizens. As a result, GDPR has a significant impact on international data protection standards.

The GDPR establishes a comprehensive and unified data security law for all EU member states. As a result, there is no longer a need for each member state to create its own data protection law. Thus, GDPR offers more consistent protection for EU citizens’ personal data and for their rights as consumers. The rule has an impact on all firms and organizations that target the European market, even though it solely protects the people of the EU.

Future of Cybersecurity

Nobody can predict with certainty what the future of cybersecurity will be, and many sectors are still working out how to fortify their networks in the midst of the current instability.

These trends for 2022 may worry a lot of businesses, but they also provide us with a glimpse of what to expect in the future. In fact, an unprecedented sum of more than $100 million is anticipated to be spent on safeguarding organizations alone. This makes it obvious that security software managers and developers will be busy for the foreseeable future.