What is More Important in Presentations, Design or Content?


When it comes to creating an engaging presentation, you need to focus on both design and content. But which is more important? The truth is that the two go hand in hand. A good design will complement good content and vice versa. For this reason, it is vital that you have capable wordsmiths and presentation designers on hand to help you create a compelling presentation that impresses the audience on all fronts. Leaning too heavily on design or content is not enough; both must be up to a high standard to engage your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Why is Content Important?

Content is central to your presentation. It must be accurate and engaging, as good design alone will not make up for subpar content. Furthermore, compelling content will allow your audience to connect with your overarching message. However, you need to be mindful of how you convey your message to the audience. The content you include in your presentation should be easy for all audience members to digest.

Keep it concise

The temptation is to include as much information as humanly possible to communicate your point clearly. Unfortunately, this tends to do the opposite. Too much information in one go will overload the audience, and it may lead to a loss of attention. Instead, by keeping your presentation concise, you clearly communicate your main points so they can be easily digested by those watching your presentation. Some general advice to follow is that slides should contain between six and 40 words, depending on the subject.

Include data and infographics

A great way to communicate information clearly is to include data and infographics. You do not have much time to communicate your ideas to your audience, and using data and infographics to convey your message is a great way to make a point quickly and clearly.

Structure your presentation well

By organising the content of your presentation into a logical and highly memorable structure, you will make it easier to remember the content and, as a result, deliver your pitch confidently. That way, you can concentrate on other aspects of your presentation, such as body language and the way you are speaking. When you are planning out your presentation content, break it down into different blocks: introduction, part 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and the conclusion. This way, you can determine if your content flows logically. If there are parts that do not flow logically, you should make changes to ensure your presentation is as clear as possible. Without a well-structured presentation, your audience may struggle to follow along, which may lead them to lose interest.

Why is Design Important?

Good design will capture and hold your audience’s attention, reinforce your brand, demonstrate your expertise and improve your audience’s understanding of your topic. For this reason, it is recommended that you hire a presentation designer if you do not have the expertise to create a good presentation design. Let’s explore why design is vital in some more depth:

Good design captures attention

First, a well-designed presentation captures your audience’s attention. Depending on the nature of their work, your audience may sit through several presentations each week. To capture and hold their attention, you need to show them that your presentation is impactful. A well-designed presentation will help to grab their attention.

Good design improves audience understanding

Next, a thoughtfully-designed presentation will increase audience comprehension. You must put your point across in a way that audience members can follow. Unfortunately, this is where many presenters fall down. Including too much information in your slides or not structuring your presentation correctly can make it difficult for your audience to follow your main argument. A well-designed presentation will contain minimal text and will follow a clear structure, making it easier for the audience to understand your overall point.

Good design demonstrates your expertise

A good presentation design also demonstrates your personal expertise. During your pitch, the goal is to convince the audience that you know your area of expertise. Presenting them with a disorganised, badly-designed presentation is incredibly distracting and will make you appear unprofessional.

Content or Design: Which is More Important?

Content and design both have a crucial role to play in a presentation. The truth is that one is not more important than the other—both aspects of your pitch need to be high-quality to impress your audience. If you find that either the content or design of your presentation is lacking, enlist help from an expert, whether that is a copywriter or a presentation designer. The good news is that there are presentation companies out there that will assist you with both content and design if you need assistance with both aspects. To summarise, your presentation could be the key to winning over stakeholders or receiving the funding you have been chasing, so it pays to get help from people with the right expertise.