How To Use Facebook To Get Leads For Your Construction Business


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with millions of users and other new ones joining every day. While it’s primarily an interaction platform, its huge number of users means companies can take advantage of it to market their business. Where there are people, there are customers, so businesses can sell services and products, generate leads, or interact with customers with ease through Facebook.

Businesses operating within the construction industry have realised significant growth in lead generation through Facebook. As the sector becomes more competitive, businesses have increasingly turned to Facebook as a channel to connect with their customers and use it as a means of marketing their services. There are different ways you can use Facebook to do this. Below is an overview of how to do it.

1. Add customer reviews

Customers will always look at reviews when searching for products or services online. They’re authentic and come from people who have experienced the same products or services before. By operating within the service sector, it’s essential to offer the best customer service and experience.

Facebook will allow your customers to rate your business and leave reviews. You can then turn the “Show Reviews” button on so other people can see how your business page is rated. Obviously, the more positive reviews you have, the better. Respond to any negative ones so people can see how you handle them. It’s worth building into your workflow a process of asking and even encouraging customers to give you feedback in the comments section.

It goes without saying that to ask customers to review your business, you must be truly confident in the quality of the service you are offering. This starts from within your business, with the quality of the processes and systems you are using.

Technology is a great help in this regard, and by adopting smart software such as this construction management app from Jobber, you put yourself in a much stronger position to dispatch technicians to the right jobs at the right time, share quotes and invoices quickly, organise your tools and equipment efficiently and communicate both internally and externally with much more efficiency.

In turn, this allows you to be significantly more productive than doing all these tasks manually and makes you come across to your customers as more organised, professional, and as a result – more trustworthy. As a result, customers are going to be far more likely to leave a positive review about your business and you will have more time to work on value-add tasks such as marketing your services.

2. Create interesting content

People on Facebook love exciting content that keeps them engaged. Hence, don’t stop at merely creating a Facebook page for your business. Instead, use it as a platform to engage people by posting interesting content. One way to drive engagement through your content is by making your posts short and including visual aspects such as videos and images. This will help optimize your Facebook page as it will encourage people to comment, share, and like your posts.

Take care not to create content that’s too promotional as it might appear spammy and push customers away. Only around 10% of your content should be promotional, including your call-to-action statements. Meanwhile, 70% of the content should be blogs or videos that promote your brand and add value to your users in some way. 20% should be positive interactions with other businesses.

3. Use general sweepstakes

General sweepstakes are prizes such as free services or products to offer entrants. These can be whatever you deem appropriate to your business offering such as free products or services. Setting up a campaign on your Facebook page will help attract more followers and generate qualified leads for your business. You can set conditions such as the person with the most liked comment or who shares a post the most to help drive more engagement.

Likewise, you can try sharing a survey, asking people a specific question generally related to your business or niche. This will help you get to know your customers and prospects better so you can customize your services based on their needs.

Whatever Facebook activity you do, be sure to measure and report on every campaign you do, to understand what worked and what didn’t. Only this way will you begin to understand how to refine and improve the activity you do.

4. Tell your story

Customers like to connect to businesses who share their story. This doesn’t mean being poetic or sharing blocks of text about your business. Instead, tell them where you started, your company’s mission, how you plan to serve your customers, and your motivation in starting the company.

Your story will tell your prospects more about your services, so you have to be creative with what you put there. When you get it right, you’ll be able to connect with your customers personally as they’ll feel your business was created to offer them solutions. It’s your story that tells customers what makes you different from the rest and, hence, helps you ultimately generate more leads.

5. Use paid advertisement

Facebook ads are paid promotions that businesses can use to reach their target audience. The ads reach a large number of targeted prospects quickly. Hence, they’re an ideal way to get leads. For your construction business, you can use Facebook ads to send a message that will appeal to your target audience.

One advantage of using Facebook ads is you’re able to choose your audience, format, objective, and placement. In choosing your audience, you customize the location, age, interests, and other demographic details that would match your ideal customer. The ads will then target the people who meet these criteria, increasing your chances of getting leads.


Facebook’s popularity has made it one of the most popular marketing platforms for businesses. As such, your construction business can take advantage of Facebook’s large traffic by creating a page and connecting with customers. To ensure this strategy will work, consider using paid ads, uploading engaging content, and using customer reviews to gain trust.