Should You Get a Commercial or Consumer Display For Your Business?


When you decide to adopt digital signage to boost your business environment, the next thing is to select the best kind of digital display. In most cases, you’ll have to choose between commercial and consumer digital displays. Unfortunately, the right choice is not always straightforward. Nonetheless, most digital signage experts recommend selecting a commercial display for various reasons.

An important point to note is that commercial displays aren’t always a requirement and will cost more upfront. Even so, they provide many benefits that justify the more expensive upfront investment.

On the other hand, consumer displays could run into the risk of costly repairs. Sometimes, you may have to buy full-replacement screens when they can no longer function. Since this is not all there is to it, this guide will give you insights into choosing a commercial or consumer display.

Commercial or Consumer Display: The Specifications

To decide whether to buy a commercial or consumer display TV, you must understand the differences.

What is a Consumer Display TV?

Consumer display TVs are more or less like your regular TV at home. As an illustration, you only watch TV a few hours a day, and the product is only one when you use it. They come with in-built speakers that complement the visual components for ease of use. In some cases, they may have a tuner and a table stand. In particular, consumer displays have the following features:

– Are best for limited daily use in the home environment
– Usually, they come with HDMI inputs and hence limited connectivity
– Limited or voided warranty periods when you use them in commercial applications
– They are restricted to landscape mode
– They provide no way to lock infrared (IR) inputs or lockdown mode
– They typically lack RS232 control, and when present, it’s limited to on/off input switching.

Besides, consumer grade displays typically come in small sizes and lack adequate space and ventilation. Accordingly, they have higher levels of thermal stress on the electronic components, shortening the product’s operational life.

What is a Commercial Display TV?

Commercial grade display TVs can withstand long hours of operation. They have commercial grade components for heavy-duty usage and better communication between your business and your patrons.
Besides, the features provide for increased reliability, mainly because they run for many hours each day. Moreover, their warranties are better than on consumer displays. Commercial TVs also:

– Come with much better connectivity options
– Provide PC add-on unit options
– Have integrated digital signage platforms available in many units
– Comprise built-in video wall processors
– Allow portrait-mode capability
– Enable IR and remote lock
– Have full RS232 control
– Feature built-in cooling systems to protect the hardware
– They can withstand 16 to 24 hours of use each day

Outstanding Differences between Consumer and Commercial Displays

Other than the differences in the features mentioned above, consumer and commercial displays have other differences. These are crucial for you to know to help you make a more informed decision when buying digital signage displays for your business.

1. Design

The first noticeable difference between consumer and commercial screens is the design. As an example, commercial TV displays have features that make them seamlessly blend with the environment. The consumer models have more aesthetic flair and come with a TV stand.

– Durability: In matters of durability, commercial displays can better withstand the wear and tear of extended use. They can survive the impact of being dropped or hit by an object. Moreover, they have encasings that protect them from harsh weather elements. Commercial displays are pretty much the option you have for outdoor digital signage display.

– Brightness: While still considering their design, consumer displays function in dim lighting since they are used in residential environments. Industrial or commercial settings like hospitals, airports, malls, and retail stores are well-lit.

As such, consumer displays may not provide enough brightness levels for clear visibility. Their typical max-out brightness level is 350 cd/m2. On the contrary, commercial digital signage displays can go up to 2,500 cd/m2 and above.

2. Connections

With a consumer digital signage display, you’ll need to install a digital signage media player to transmit content to the screens. However, with commercial displays, you don’t have to go through this hassle. Most come with an in-built media player to enable you to deploy content from your content management system. None of the consumer display TVs have internally fixed digital signage media players.

– Connectivity: Consumer displays are limited in their options. To illustrate, most of them solely rely on HDMI ports. Consumer displays, in contrast, have other inputs like display ports, VGA, USB, and DVI in addition to HDMI. They allow you to switch between various video and audio sources on your display. As if that’s not enough, they provide video-loop-out connections for video wall installations.

– RS232 Control: Commercial displays have RS232 control, a crucial feature that allows you to control and monitor screens without a remote. This is critical as it factors in the precise management of screen features and functions using a computer. Notably, consumer displays lack this functionality or have it in a limited capacity.

3. Panel Performance

The panel performance of commercial digital displays differs from that of the consumer models in the following ways:

– Operation time: Commercial-grade systems have built-in thermal sensors that allow them to continue running for a long time.

– Image retention: When the pixels on LCD screens can’t return to their level of relaxed state after displaying a static image on the screen for long, burn-in occurs. This static image called a “ghost image,” is common on consumer displays. Luckily, commercial ones have a “pixel-shifting” technology that reduces this effect, hence preventing visibility issues across screens.

4. Public Information Features

Other features that can help you decide between consumer and commercial display TVs are the public information options. These include:

– Portrait mode: Commercial-grade displays allow you to show content in a wide range of public places. That is to say that you can use either the landscape or portrait orientation to meet the needs of different situations.

– Security issues: Since digital displays are for public consumption, there’s a need for a unique security check, also known as IR, and front panel locking. The feature is available with commercial displays to prevent hackers from gaining access to your content. Sadly, the feature lacks in consumer displays.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been wondering whether to buy a consumer or commercial display for your business, this guide puts you in a better position to decide. As it is, it’s evident that consumer TVs are better suited for small-scale use. On the other hand, commercial displays have more to offer, and they bring out the best in your digital signage project. With this in mind, here is a commercial display you may consider buying.