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Create Link in Bio to Drive Traffic and Promote Your Business

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If you are familiar with Instagram, chances are that you have seen “link in bio” many times and on multiple accounts. Remember those times when your favorite Instagram account makes an interesting post and ends the caption with something like “link in bio for full gist”? Yes, that’s exactly what we are talking about.

But do you know that ‘link in bio” could be an excellent tool for driving free traffic to your website from your Instagram account? If you run a brand Instagram account, you will understand how painful it could be when you want to share a link to highlight multiple important products, pages, and posts but Instagram only allows just one permanent link in your profile bio. And that is where a link in bio can become really helpful.

In this post, we will be showing you some ways you can use the link in bio to promote your business, and how you can do that with one of the most effective tools – Onlypult Builder.

First, What Exactly is Link in Bio?

Just as the name suggests, a link in bio is a clickable link you can add to your profile on Instagram. It is not only Instagram that has link in bio. Most social media platforms offer you a chance to add a URL in your bio to lead your followers to your website, content page, or product page.

However, this seems to be more useful for Instagram because the platform does not allow you to share clickable links in your posts. And it only allows just one link in your bio. That always comes as a limitation as it prevents you from being able to highlight multiple important posts, products, and pages.

Fortunately, with a link in bio tool, you can build a landing page, collate all your important link destinations, and share them through a single URL. This makes it super easy for your followers to seamlessly access all the relevant links from just a single place. That way, you can be sure of getting more quality leads and traffic which could have been lost because Instagram restricts the addition of links on individual posts.

Creating Link in Bio with Onlypult

While there are several great link in bio tools out there, Onlypult is a great option for those who need an affordable link in bio solution. Having a centralized platform for any and all of your Instagram needs makes the tool stand out from others.

In less than three minutes, you can create mobile-optimized landing pages that look great on any device. With just a single link, your followers can access a similar version of your Instagram page and visit the link associated with each post. The customized and clickable links help direct traffic to your website, blog, or specific products and pages.

Onlypult also lets you keep an eye on your performance by tracking the click stats for each link. This way of getting valuable on your page visitors’ activity can help you better experiment on your page structure to get better results.

What more? Onlypult even has a free version that comes with excellent features that makes it easier for you to promote your business using a link in bio. If you are creating a link in bio for the first time, you will also love the simplicity and intuitive interface Onlypult offers. You get to work now and try it out for your Instagram business account.

How to Use Instagram Link in Bio to Promote Your Business

It’s not enough to have a tool that allows you to create a unique link in bio page, you also need to know how to take advantage of it to promote your business. Here are some ways you can use links on your Instagram bio page to promote your business.

#1: Generate traffic to your website or blog
With a customized link in bio, you can direct your followers on Instagram to different pages and contents on your website or blog. This will come as a free traffic source that will always help your website and blog.

#2: Promote an upcoming discount or a current sale
You can use link in bio to promote an upcoming event in your business. This can include promoting an upcoming discount. Your link in bio will send your followers to a page where they can access the link to the sale page. You can also use the link to send followers to your best-selling products.

#3: Hype up a product launch
Are you launching a new product soon and want to create awareness about it? Your link in bio can be of great help. It takes your followers to a landing page that highlights the new product and events around it. You can even provide details about the product and links to purchase it.

#4: Highlight your brand or products with an “About” page
There is a limited number of words Instagram allows you to include in your bio section. So, linking to a page where people can learn more about your business is a great idea. Get your followers to quickly know about your business or product via the link on your bio.

#5: Link to your popular blog post or latest post you’ve published
With a link in bio landing page, you can drive people to multiple recent posts that you have mentioned in Instagram posts. You can as well use it to highlight your recently published posts, podcasts, or a video you want to promote. That helps your audience to easily find them through your link in bio.

#6: Get your followers involved in a giveaway or competition
Get your existing followers engaged with regular contests on Instagram. This is not only a smart way to keep existing followers but can also attract new ones. So, let more people know about your promotion by linking it in your bio.

#7: Offer a free sample or demo of your product
With a link in bio, you can get your followers to access a page where they can sign up to get a free sample or demo of your product. Since they will be filling out a form with their contact information, they can become valuable leads to your business.

How to Add a Link in Your Instagram Bio

Now that you know how to create a link in bio and also know how to maximize it to promote your business, let’s see how you can add your link to your bio. Below are the simple steps to follow:

– Log in to your Instagram account
– Go to your profile
– Click on “Edit Profile”
– Scroll down to the “Website” field
– Add the URL you have created with Onlypult
– Save changes by clicking “Submit” on desktop or “Done” on mobile

Once you have updated your link in bio, ensure you give it a test by testing it out both on mobile and desktop to be sure it’s working well on both devices.

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