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Spanish SEO – The Power of Guest Posting

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Did you know, over 93% of Spanish people are daily internet users? This figure is significantly higher than both France and Germany – and even the internet-savvy UK. This means you can expect to achieve highly impressive results by ranking high with Google. 50% of Google’s algorithm is based on backlinks to your site and using guest posts as part of your Spanish SEO strategy will help you to create quality backlinks. So, with a captive audience, what are they key things to remember when creating a guest post in Spain?

Write guest posts for three different audiences

This is crucial to your success! You have a captive Spanish audience, so make sure your guest post is valid, relevant and sends out the right message.

When writing your guest post, keep three different audiences in mind:

– Bloggers – Choose which site your guest post will go on. If it’s a blog devoted to vegetarianism, don’t talk about how to prepare beef. If you sell a niche service, like a health practice in Barcelona, write some guest posts about health in general, so it could be accepted on any Spanish health website. So, pay close attention to where you post your blog, and make sure what you write will be well received by your audience.

– Readers – You don’t want to lose your reader before the end of the first paragraph, so write something they can’t fail to engage with. ‘How to’ articles and lists tend to have more longevity than news pieces. Choose a topic that’s relevant enough to your own business that you’re also reaching potential clients.

– Google – Google value longer guest posts (500 words is an absolute minimum to allow the backlink to help the SEO of your own site. 1,500 words is more likely to give the guest post itself a decent chance of ranking high with Google. Choose keywords that are relevant to your business and include them in the title if possible and in the body of the article.

Ensure it is well-written

Crafting a well-written, carefully assembled blog post will immediately create an impression of high authority. Obviously, this impacts directly on your reader and makes them far more likely to feel inclined to click on the links in your post, therefore improving your chances of visitors to your own website.

If you are not a native Spanish speaker, don’t be tempted to use a machine translator; you can easily do more harm than good, and damage your company’s reputation by having poorly written, clumsy and potentially culturally inappropriate content. While Spanish is not reputed to be the most difficult language to learn, there are plenty of differences to English to be aware of. There are far fewer prepositions, for example, and often the subject of a sentence doesn’t need to be stated. And that’s before we’ve got onto the differences in capitalisation and punctuation!

That considered, you might want to think about working with an agency who can create posts with native Spanish speakers. As well as using their language expertise, you can also tap into their knowledge of high authority sites in Spain. They will also be able to guide you to the sites accepting submissions which are best suited to your market, saving you an infinite amount of leg work.

Use a catchy headline

Remember that the main aim of a headline is to appeal to readers, so that your site is the one they click on. Make your headline stand out in the long list of search results. It will be competing with many others, so what will give it that edge?

Aim to show that you are knowledgeable, comprehensive and authoritative, so consider titles that start with Spanish equivalents to titles such as ‘How to….’, ’10 best…’, ‘Benefits of…’. These will create a strong and positive impression that is more likely to appeal to your reader. Research similar posts and be certain to use the correct keywords in Spanish – these might not always be the direct translation, so again, consider enlisting the help of a specialist multilingual SEO agency to make sure you don’t trip up here.

Build strong backlinks

One of the most effective ways of boosting your search engine ranking, is by improving the number of high-quality backlinks to your site. This means, if you are trying to attract Spanish customers, you need to make sure you have relevant international links from Spanish sites. Put simply, the greater the number of sites who link back to you, the higher your ranking with Google. And if you run a multilingual site, you need links from each country that you are targeting. This is why guest posting can be such a successful strategy in terms of SEO, because it allows you to build numerous international links from high authority sites. Spend time researching international link building, and you will reap the rewards!

Spain is a promising e-commerce market, and guest posting is a powerful instrument in your Spanish SEO toolkit. Just be aware of how to avoid the pitfalls, and you will be reaching out to your awaiting Spanish audience in no time!

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