How to Increase Sales with New Customers


One tried and proven way to increase your bottom line is to increase the prospects you can convert into customers. Your audience may be aware of what you are doing, but if they haven’t actually signed on yet it is for naught. Here are some ways to get them to do just that.

Do a Content Audit

Take a deeper dive into your current flyers, website, and all other sales and marketing materials. Are you more busy with your features than with promoting the benefits? If so, you may want to focus on spreading the word about how your product will make your customer’s lives easier, more convenient or happier.

Here is an example of how you can do that. Many services will state “Available 24 Hours” which is good. But it is so much better to say something like, “And have no fear of confronting a glitch, we are available to provide support anytime.”

Create Packages, Deals, & Bundles

Sometimes a different approach is all that is needed. One good way to do this will be to include a package with your services or wrap a few products into a bundle deal.

You could grab a few services that are related — like a interior AND exterior Car Wash — or you can consider a different type of service that provides your customer with the convenience of having a few things ticked off their list — like a car wash and a free oil change. This same logic applies to making a bundle of products.

When presented with packages and bundles, you customers will appreciate the value and convenience they are being offered. And, they will feel like they are getting more for their money.

But you will need to price your bundles properly and not reduce the sales price so much that you are losing perceived value. One way to do this will be to give a reason for your special offer, like “a new product line” or “inventory surplus.” This allows you to explain the deal and still create interest.

Find Ways to Stand Out from the Competition

We are literally presented with thousands of offers and advertising messages each day and you must get yourself noticed above all this noise. A good way to do this will be to differentiate yourself from your competition rather than try to scream over the confusion.

For Example, CArMax recently applied an excellent idea to offer a 1996 Accord and promised $20,000 for a used car in the deal. Of course, only they will know if this was a profitable plan, but the rest of the world knows they do truly “buy all Cars.”

This idea can be properly scaled to match the needs of your business as well. Take the time to look at what your competition is emphasizing in their marketing campaigns and look for specific features, services or products that they are not offering.

Or, you may be the only one in the list of competition that is offering safety-certified cleaning procedures that will keep your clients and customers from a list of negative side effects. Highlighting all the horrors you protect your valued clients from is a great way to make yourself look good and also very unique.

Brush Up on Your Sales Skills

Advertising is a great way to collect cold leads and transform them to hot leads. Use PPC marketing to boost your sales and reach a wider audience. When it comes time to actually make the jump from interested visitors to convinced conversions, you will still have to convince your customers.

Even though you have already done so much to make them ready to buy, you still have not completed the task. Make sure you regularly revisit your sales essentials and make sure you are not losing prospects at the very end of the process. This could include something as easy as ensuring you have a good product in place that offers a special incentive to close the deal.