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Top 7 Ways to Brush Up your Java Development Skills

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1. Go Back to Basics [OOP, Data Structures & Algorithms]

One can not build a skyscraper without having deep firm roots. Similarly, if you want to grow as a reputed developer, you must be great at the core concepts of Computer Science. We can not stress this enough, that having small conceptual issues in understanding basics scale up as un-optimized flawed solutions.

For this resolution, you have to master Object-Oriented Programming [classes, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism etc], Data Structures including Algorithms. So before you move forward, you gotta lean on a few steps back to make sure you’ve got the supporting knowledge. It’s a good idea to follow a CodeGym java tutorial on each concept to practise the concepts.

2. Form a Sound Problem Solving Capacity

After you cover the basics, you need to develop the art of problem-solving. It doesn’t come naturally to programmers. You have to build the muscle for it by constantly challenging your limits, stepping out of your comfort zone and daring to break down the complex problems. At first, you will become clueless and restless. Start with bare minimum solutions. Consistent effort will lead you to optimized solutions. Consulting a CodeGym Java Blog related to your findings will boost your confidence.

This hard built muscle will determine which long enough you will survive in the game. A mature developer is primarily distinguished by his problem-solving skills and not by the tech stack specific knowledge. This should encourage you to give due time to your problem-solving skills. You can always opt for the relevant tech stack alongside.

3. Work on Design Patterns

If you’re a Java developer, you must be familiar with design patterns. They are the standardized solutions to the various commonly occurring problems. Prefer incorporating the design patterns in your programming over re-inventing the wheel. It will not only reduce your time consumption and effort. But will also make your work more readable and scalable in future for the fellow developers.

Here’s a key point to ponder. You can identify and use the right design pattern by looking at the problem only if you’re adept at problem-solving. If you’re not confident at problem-solving it will continue to reflect in your end product. Hence, verse it well.

4. Java 8 is the way to go

A lot of programmers roam around amongst different versions of Java. Here’s a pro tip if you’re still amphibolic. Master Java 8, and the advanced versions won’t be a hassle for you.

Practise Java 8 specific features like Lambda Expressions, Concurrent accumulators and Stream API. Most workplaces demand a Java 8 or above developer, so it’s essential to have it as your strength.

5. Exercise the APIs and Libraries

If you’ve ever got a chance to observe or work with professional Java developers, you might have noticed how comfortable they are with tonnes of APIs and libraries. No one can be know-it-all, but the fact you’re aware of the relevant equipment for busting any problem will help you big time. Some of the standards followed in industrial development include logging, parsing and testing. You can simply use Log4j, GSON, JAXB, JUnit or any other relevant APIs as long as they serve the purpose.

6. Testing your Code

Writing extensive error-free code is a great challenge even for professionals. If you’re a novice, fasten your seat belt for a bumpy ride ahead. There will be errors, errors and a lot of errors! Just don’t be afraid to make more mistakes and have more errors. The goal is to learn and get ahead of them.

Since no one is certain of their perfectly working code. It’s advised to test your code to minimize the errors later at the production level. Testing is further made easier by abundant Java APIs. Feel free to explore the types and APIs for testing.

7. Shine on with the Spring Framework

If you’re only familiar with conventional ways of developing Java apps, learning the Spring framework will take you steps ahead on your career trajectory. This can be amongst the most empirical decisions for modern-day Java programmers. Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are some of the hottest java oriented skills needed to work at esteemed organizations.


We acknowledge it’s hard to incorporate all the tips into your practice right away. If you’re sceptical about initiating then we’d suggest you go in sequential order. Move further once you’re confident with the current step. Eventually, you’ll be able to grow progressively. Happy learning and keep shining! 🙂

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