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The 8 Best Web Design Practices For 2021

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Customers visit countless websites every day, which means they are constantly seeing innovative and well-designed platforms. With more and more online businesses improving their game, it’s more important than ever to grab their attention and get them to choose your platform over others.

Technology changes rapidly, and trends in web design are not left out. Design elements and functionality of websites that were once modern and innovative may have become outdated, overdone, and cliché in recent years.

The most painful experience for you will be when people visit your site, but you fail to make the conversion or the sale a reality because your website simply seems outdated or does not meet modern website standards. To tackle this, you can seem professional help from a reliable advertising agency that can take care of all the hassle.

So, let’s find out what’s new in the top-rated website design for 2021:

1. Website load time and page speed are everything

One of the most important web design standards is the super-fast load time. Fast load times have been a big factor in UX and SEO for years, and it continues to be a top priority for websites that want to rank well and convert better.

Studies indicate that more than half of internet browsers expect a website to load quickly and no more than two seconds after clicking on a link. If your site takes longer than three seconds to load, your visitors will likely leave, and they are unlikely to come back again due to the avalanche of alternatives available to them.

2. Make a bold choice of colors for your website

One of the hottest web design trends of 2021 will be the use of vibrant colors and unusual color combinations that work together perfectly to grab the attention of users. Bright, saturated colors also help your brand stand out from the minimalist designs of previous years.

To successfully implement this trend, don’t be afraid to try new things. Brilliant shades, intense colors, and unusual color combinations will definitely be remembered by your website visitors.

3. Personalized content based on your geo-location and your browsing history

Maybe you’ve visited a website and returned to it a few hours or days later to find that the content has changed. When you pick it up on your phone for the first time or on another browser, you see the original content that you saw the first time you visited the website.

It’s no secret that the most advanced websites track our browsing history and know our locations. But leading web agencies will advise their clients to post dynamic content based on past user behavior or what we know about a user and not generic content designed to serve everyone.

Personalized content created for users who return to your website for a second or third time can potentially increase conversion. You experience this every time you use Google as your search engine. People looking for a restaurant near their home anywhere in the world will see different results than users in other cities.

A great directory website will also recognize the type of food you like. If you have reviewed or saved Thai restaurants in the past, it may be a good idea to place Thai restaurants higher in your search results — this is the most logical approach.

4. Use innovative UX diagonal line web designs

In recent years, new website designs have featured straight, horizontal lines to separate sections of web pages. After researching the user experience, we found that using diagonal lines gave the user a clearer and more interesting path to follow the page.

This combination of diagonal lines and animation is the perfect example of how various upcoming web design trends can fit together to produce a wonderful and modern website with an engaging user experience.

5. 3d designs

3D design elements have intrigued website users for many years now. Thanks to the evolution of web technology and web designers constantly improving their game, 3D elements are used more and more.

This design trend is only going to become more popular as VR / AR technologies gain momentum and add extra beauty and impact to 3D elements. The results can be incredible for your internet users.

6. Unusual website design

For many years, websites have been based on a grid layout. This has always been a popular approach because it organizes the structure and allows you to focus on the key elements.

Also, it limits the degree of creativity you can bring to the site if your design needs to fit into a specific template. The upcoming trend is asymmetric design. This is the perfect opportunity for brands to ignore traditions and explore unique and exciting design.

It is important to note that a balance is always necessary. Even with an asymmetrical design, no part of the design should appear more striking than another.

7. Chat-bots are getting sophisticated

Chatbots are another feature that has been popular for a few years and will continue to be relevant in 2021. As artificial intelligence and machine learning (deep learning) continue to become more sophisticated, we expect chatbots to become the norm for simple customer service inquiries and personalized purchases.

For example, if a customer visits your website looking for phone support and the chatbot knows they have a free phone upgrade available. The chatbot can notify them of the update. This can lead to a positive customer experience and save the business the customer support costs associated with chatting with a live person.

8. Responsive interface through voice

The way we access information is changing; in fact, instead of typing into Google, we now ask a question or make a request. This means that web design adapts to keep up with the prevalence of voice chatbots and virtual assistants. While a voice-activated interface is not common for most websites, this emerging trend is not going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

We can expect to see more and more websites integrating voice search as an option to traditional text search. This is an excellent step toward more customer engagement.

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