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Ways To Add Value To Online Lectures

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We are all living in an online world. However, we’re all also getting extremely fatigued from it, and this means that those of us who put together online courses have to work harder than ever to ensure that they have value. As such, here are some ways to add value to online lectures you put together.

Why adding value to online lectures is important

COVID-19 has forced countless activities online, and it is something that none of us were really wired for. As a result, we’re all tired of it. As a result, it seems as if we all have “zoom fatigue.” Thus, it is getting harder to capture and keep people’s attention in an online universe. Adding value by introducing elements that are new, exciting, or engaging can help to ensure that people keep coming back to your online content and continue to recommend it to others.

Ways to add value to your online courses

– Offer free courses: Free courses can be useful because it provides for value-added content. It gives consumers a chance to see if they like what you have to offer by giving them a taste of your talents and expertise. You can’t make your entire business free, but this type of business model has proven to be very successful in a variety of other areas. Furthermore, a recent Adobe Education Exchange article said, “these types of courses can do more than just be good for business – they can help consumers identify areas of academic passion that they never knew they had.”

– Incorporate interactivity: Most of the time, people don’t merely want to be lectured to – they want to participate as well. As such, it is a good idea to try and incorporate interactivity whenever you can. This may mean a variety of things, including surveys, quizzes, or various sections that people can explore if they want to learn more about a topic.

– Format for on-demand content: Countless academic lectures are now listened to in a variety of formats. Indeed, online lectures are now consumed at more places than a computer – they are often consumed while people are on the go, washing their dishes, listening in their cars, or working out. As such, your online lectures must be able to be consumed in a variety of settings and over a variety of devices. If they aren’t, you risk losing out on large sections of your potential audience.

– Allow for follow up: Most lectures don’t simply end when the tape runs out. If possible, allow for consumers of your courses to contact the lecturer to ask questions or follow up. You can’t allow for extensive, time-consuming work, but encouraging further conversation is a great way of allowing people to better engage with your network.

Competition in the online universe is fiercer than ever these days. As such, you must go above and beyond in order to add value to your online courses, and the methods above will help you do just that.

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