Jobs You Can Do Remotely


The three-tier system of lockdown, put in place by the government in early October, suggests that the anti-coronavirus measures, for better or worse, are going to be with us for a while longer. Given that this will make work life difficult for many of us, we might look into earning a little on the side, remotely. For some, a more comprehensive change in career might be necessary.

Let’s look at some of the jobs you might do remotely.


If you’re able to speak two languages fluently, then you have a skill that’s in high demand across the world. Those AI alternatives simply can’t capture the nuances of any given tongue – at least, not yet. Businesses wanting to market across language barriers need help. And they’ll pay handsomely to get it.

Web Designer

With many businesses now investing in their online presence, it’s a great time to put those web design skills to good use. Have a portfolio available so that prospective clients can check out your work, and start firing off emails!

Graphic Designer

Similarly, the world of graphics needs your expertise. You don’t have to look that far in the online world to find promotional material that’s in dire need of professional attention. Again, compile a portfolio and get started!

Online Trading

Thanks to new platforms, it’s easier than ever to get started as a trader. Start a demo account, and begin trading CFDs on Forex, Bonds, Commodities and Indices. The best of them will allow you to get started with virtual funding, just to make sure you know what you’re doing before you get into serious trouble. Of course, there’s inherent risk in trading of this kind – make sure you understand them.


If you have a skillset, then you might be able to earn extra money by teaching others about it. Pianists, artists, and those who know a foreign language can earn extra by committing just a few hours a week.


Being able to sell things is a skill that hasn’t got any less valuable – and the channels you’re working with haven’t really changed, as door-to-door sales were in decline well before the novel coronavirus reared its ugly head. Many jobs in sales work flexible schedules, and employers will grant you plenty of leeway, especially during a pandemic. If you’re selling, by and large, they’ll be happy.


Composing emails that convert and blog posts that people actually want to read is the skill of a copywriter. But marketing is about more than just writing compelling content – it’s also about getting acquainted with Search Engine Optimisation and Pay Per Click and other fascinating subjects. If you’re starting from scratch, think about your areas of special expertise and start pitching to agencies.