ClickFunnels Tips and Tricks to Easily Design a Landing Page


The landing page is such a paramount element of the marketing toolbox that no business can afford to ignore it. You cannot get away without using one. The landing page helps you generate leads, moving them through the sales processes and transforming them into customers. Having the ability to rapidly create a landing page with forms, images, and funnels is non-negligible. ClickFunnels makes designing landing pages easy. Even a newbie can understand its functions and capabilities.

ClickFunnels came to life in 2014. The software, which was designed by Russel Brunson, is an application aimed at constructing sales funnels. You can deploy it to build any type of sales funnel you can think of, including, landing pages. If you want to design a landing page that is effective enough to convert visitors and get them to purchase or subscribe, use ClickFunnels software. You will have complete control over the design, from beginning to end. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.

Both A Sales Funnel and A Landing Page Can Deliver the Right Outcome

In case you did not already know, there is a big difference between sales funnels and landing pages although they are both essential in terms of generating leads. Do not confuse the one with the other. A landing page is a standalone Web page that is created with a specific purpose in mind, such as marketing of gathering visitor’s information. The sales funnel, on the other hand, represents the visualization of the user journey till the Than You page. It comprises several Web pages that direct – in other words, funnel – the customers towards the final purchase decision.

Using a sales funnel is a good decision if your business provides complementary products or services, which you want to make available in one single campaign. Nonetheless, if you want people to make an effective decision, it is a good idea to have a landing page. Ideally, you should have a sales funnel and a landing page, delivering the right outcome depending on your specific goals and objectives. This can become your secret weapon. Make sure you get it right the first time. Make no mistake, creating a sales funnel and a landing page is no easy feat. But it is not utterly complicated either.

Pick A Template for The Store Front

The first thing you will want to do is pick a template. ClickFunnels makes available all sorts of templates for the landing page design. They are catchy and successful. Using a template is the best way of setting up a landing page if you are not familiar with Web technologies like HTML or CSS. Pick a template that you would like to customize from the preloaded options. You are sure to find one that meets your needs. As you will see, some templates are simple, some contain clips, and others have dynamic fonts.

Foodie | Storefront Funnel Template

This is a fantastic example of a landing page. If you sell physical goods such as food products, electronics, clothes, etc. this template can turn out to be of great use. You can present your offer in a clear and organized way while making a good first impression. It will be necessary to provide your own pictures and content, though. The ClickFunnels marketplace is simple to use and navigate. Create an account by heading over to if you do not want to settle for the 14-day free trial, get the best discount on ClickFunnels. After having registered for the website, you can select any template you want from the marketplace and add it to your account. The drag and drop editor enables you to change the Foodie | Storefront template in any way you wish.

It Is Super Important to Have Some Kind of Logo

It does not matter if you have a fresh new business or one that is established. You should always have a powerful logo for your brand. It will set you apart from the competition, eliminating consumer confusion, and help you create an instant connection with customers. The logo does not have to be the focal point, but it must be present somewhere on the landing page. Let us say that you have a black bar with a logo on top. Change the color if you want to create a contrast.

Do Not Ditch The “Powered by ClickFunnels”

The ClickFunnels badge is automatically added to all the pages in your sales funnel. If you want to get rid of it, all you have to do is send it to the waste bin. But do you really want to do that? ClickFunnels is the fastest growing software company in the world. If visitors see the “Powered by ClickFunnels”, they will think highly of you. If you have no real brand to speak for itself, it is recommended to have a recognizable name on your landing page. It builds reputation and wins over the trust of prospective customers. A great many websites are using ClickFunnels. So, what do you say?

Set Up an Email Autoresponder

Email marketing and landing pages go hand in hand. Integrating a third-party email autoresponder in ClickFunnels. You simply opine up the settings and determine your integrations. ClickFunnels will save the names and emails on the landing page, but you want people to land directly on your autoresponder, which sends timely messages to specific people in your email list. GetResponse is the most popular option because it offers exceptional automation features, such as engaging with prospects through live webinars. You have sent the response, people know they are in good hands, and now you have a little bit of breathing room.

If you are ready to build a high-converting landing page with ClickFunnels, do not waste any more time. A landing page translates into more opportunities for your business and a better chance for conversion rates. With ClickFunnels, you can put together a landing page within hours as opposed to days and weeks. So, why would you want to use another program?