Web Development: Things You Need To Know About It


Web development, in theory, is a simple concept. It is all about building a website. For that, the developer is going to use codes, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and suchlike to make a website on the internet.

Web Design and Development
That automatically brings us to web design. Both are correlated. As the name suggests, web design is all about designing a website. How you want your website to look is all web designing does. And web development studios make that design come to the forefront and build a site that functions. So, web design is the plan, and web development is about making that plan real.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Web development has three basics, and they are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A developer uses HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to give a structure to the site.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to style the website. It decides the size of the site and gives it the much-needed color.

JavaScript is the programming language. It makes the website interactive.

To use all the three basic above, you will need a code editor. VS Code, Sublime, Atom, these are some of the best and secure code editors.

Three Different Developers
A developer can be of three types- Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack developer. Among the three, the most efficient is the Full-Stack developers, as they are capable of building an entire website, including the things related to server and website speed.

Front-End developers are those who work with the basics we mentioned above. So, they are going to make the content of the website visible, colorful. They are going to make sure the site has the right size in every device, be it a computer of any size or resolution and a small screen of a mobile device.

Next comes the Back-End developers, and their work is pretty complicated. They use different languages to create codes. Such codes are not for developing the layout of the website. Instead, the codes are for creating the website’s server, databases, and applications.

So, here the basic programming languages are not used. Back-End developer mostly uses programming languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, and sometimes Java.

Search Engine Optimization
Suppose you have an idea of building a website for Next day business cards. A site that will attract clients who want business cards within the next day of the order. So, you have efficiently developed and designed a website for that, but forgot to make it SEO friendly. That one ignorance will cost you to the extent that you are not going to get anyone finding your website. So, in web developing SEO plays a huge part.

One needs to put much thought into creating a URL. It will be best if you have a URL that a user is going to type without even knowing about the site. Your site requires traffic. The better the position of your URL in the SEO is, the best traffic you are going to have on the website. Try the simplest yet unique URL for your website.

Unique and Quality Coding
When your website runs smoothly at a good speed, you know you have built it with quality codes. Unique and quality codes ensure no failure in the functionality of your website. You can correct the errors, maintain and fix the codes. Everything becomes easy to understand with quality codes.

Keep the scope of upgrading your website. For an efficient developer, it can be a challenge. We all know that web developing is a part of the marketing of a product or company. And when a business flourishes, even the website needs an upgrade. If the site is not upgradable, then it is stagnated. So the company either will stop using it as it is, in any case, unusable or will go for another developer. Make sure not to give that scope to them. Instead, make a website that can be upgraded the way your client wants whenever they need.

Language Is Everything
So, what we have gauged that in web development programming language is everything. If you are willing to be a web developer, be it front or back-end, you need to know HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and suchlike.

Knowing all the languages will make you a full-stack developer. It makes you the master of web developing because you know everything from A-Z.

But even knowing one of the two types will make you an efficient web developer. So, take the first step by learning programming languages.

Web development is not a discussion that can be winded up in easy steps. It is a never-ending topic and needs an in-depth study. But for a beginner, indulging in complicated stuff is not a good idea. So, if you are interested in learning web development, above is all the essential stuff you need to know at first glance. Go to the next step of learning only after knowing everything we discussed above.