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Advantages of Using LED Grow Lights

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Thanks to Grow lights, planting hobbyists and horticulturists have taken their skills up a notch. Gone are the days when winter plants would wilt due to insufficient natural sunlight and warmth.
Grow lights have managed to revolutionize the agricultural sector and have simplified the science of growing plants.

By the appearance of different types of grow lights for different needs of a planter, growers are now able to ensure their crop production is maximized all year round and all season.
So then, it’s quite obvious that the use of grow lights comes with more pros than cons. Here are a few benefits of using Growth Lights.

Quick Harvest Cycle
When using LED Grow Lights for indoor planting, the lack of environmental feedback forces plants to rely on you for information on seasonal changes. This is mainly because Grow lights can be used daily for 24 hours with no change in temperature. 

This is quite advantageous to the planter as it enables you to decide the amounts of daylight you will expose your plants to and the amount of red light at different times you will use to enhance your production levels.

Multiple harvests in one growing season are quite normal when Greenhouse LED Grow Lights are used to grow plants as can alter the blooming times hence increasing production. 

Energy Cost Savings
Efficiency is the basis of LED grow lights and they use up to 70% less energy than traditional lighting which may give the same amount of light. LED lights save energy by producing less heat because an LED doesn’t burn while producing light. This is turn lowers energy bills by more than 50%.

More Vibrant Plants
Plants may wither much faster and die off when exposed to excess UV rays and IR rays. This is obviously counterproductive to the aim of growing. LED lights emit less heat as well as these harmful rays which in turn produces healthier plants that thrive well.

Great Operating Temperatures
As mentioned earlier, LED lights emit very little heat, unlike more traditional lighting systems that produce temperatures of over 350 degrees. This, in turn, means that for use in greenhouses, the operating temperature is quite cool and the need to install cooling systems is eliminated.

Longer Lifetime
This is one of the biggest advantages of LED grow lights. The LED bulbs offer extended usage and longer lifetime because their diodes use very low energy and quite a high efficiency. LED grow lights have been known to last up to 10 years with continuous lighting. When they are about to give up life, they also do not switch off suddenly but will slowly decrease their brightness hence giving the grower enough warning time to replace them.

They Are Controllable
LED lights include full-spectrum, dimming control, spectrum control, and timing control technology features. A grower is able to control the amount of wavelength the plants are exposed to, turn on and off the different color spectrums in different combinations and settings. The timer is also programmable allowing the grower to schedule dimming or spectrum control.

It is quite clear that LED lights are important for indoor planting in areas especially where the climate changes often and temperatures are not constant.

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