Web Design Hacks for Loan and Mortgage Agency Website


Having an appealing, professional looking and easy to navigate website is one of the must haves for every business in this digital landscape. But, getting started with a sleek and mobile friendly web design seems like daunting task for a business or company who have never had a website earlier. A compelling and strong online presence can differentiate you from your competitors by letting your target audience know about your reliability, authority and constancy specially if you are offering financial services like personal loan or mortgage etc.

As a clean, easy to navigate and user-friendly website can grab attention of more prospects, boost conversion rate and increase the client retention rate, below we have listed some great web design hacks for loan and mortgage agency website to provide users with incredible and great experience.

Keep the Layout Simple

Website for financial services agency should be neat and clean. Stay away from clutter while choosing a website theme or template for your loan agency. Remember to add essential pages and keep the homepage clutter free to help users find easily exactly they need. As a loan and mortgage agency website should be professional and simple in appearance, use of the brand colors can make it more alluring for users.

Opt for a Responsive Design

In this era of latest mobile technology where people spend more than 5 hours daily on their smartphones, your website should provide them with optimum viewing experience across different screens. A mobile responsive web design of a UK based loan agency will not only provide users with best experience but also bring more mobile audience looking for personal loan in the UK. All financial services companies should adopt this trend not only to provide users a smooth viewing experience but to compete in the industry as well.

Use Strong and Alluring Call to Actions

Let your visitors know in a creative way that what you want them to do on the site. Use of alluring and strong CTAs on the website can help you a lot in this matter. Make your call to action simple yet appealing to persuade visitors to take an action you want them to take. Also avoid default CTA that comes with a theme or template and try to modify them with a personalized message and image. Use of the attractive and easy to understand call to action boosts site conversion rate as well.

Make Navigation Easier

Most of the loan agencies and financial services websites are developed as one-page sites. Such sites help users find easily what exactly they need. By adding a simple menu on the top of website, you can make it easier for users jump to different pages they want to visit. Interlinking is also a great way to let users go through the website conveniently.

Insert Financial Calculators

Including financial calculators into a financial website is a great idea to improve overall user experience. As there are several factors to be considered when it comes to apply for a personal loan, mortgage, or car finance, availability of necessary calculators on the site can help users make more informed and wise decisions regarding money. Providing them with such tools and solutions can help you build strong trust and authority as well. Different financial calculators can easily be embedded in the site and some of them come with personalization features to make them fit for your agency or offered services.

Utilize Quality and Engaging Images

Use of high quality and relevant images on the site fosters the personalized viewing experience. Internet is full of the stock photos showing the lives people aim to achieve, but these should be avoided if you really want to be unique from your competitors. Forget overly used stock visuals and try to design your own to don’t look like copy of others. Addition of well-designed graphs, charts and calculators can also make your site alluring.

Publish Authoritative Content

Websites that are engaged, informative and problem solving are successful and can get more organic visits. That is the reason, you should update your financial services website with quality and problem-solving content on regular basis. Either it is text, photos, infographic or videos, all your content should be useful for readers to make them stay longer on your website. It will not only provide users with valuable and informative content but will also help you reduce the bounce rate on your website.

Updating site with quality content on regular basis will also help you appear as an authority in the industry.