How a Virtual Room Planner Can Aid You in Your Kitchen Remodel


Up until a few years ago, virtual room planners were just a concept most people had just heard about. Now, they’re a critical tool in interior design planning. Whether you’re taking on a kitchen remodel yourself, or working with a hired designer, virtual planners make the job easier and more cost effective. Many design firms and housing retailers use the platforms for customers to use as a vision board. They pin design ideas, color schemes, and arrange layout configurations before having to spend any money at all.

Starting a kitchen remodel takes a lot of money and time. They can be disruptive to normal family life while the construction phase is on and place a lot of stress on homeowners. However, people who have lived through a kitchen remodel are glad they saw it through. Kitchen updates represent one of the best returns on investment in houses. They are a major equity driver in real estate because buyers want a nice kitchen when they purchase a new place. Using a virtual room planner can help you create the kitchen of your dreams and bring it into reality. Here are some important ways a virtual room planner can help.

Virtual Room Planners Save Money

Cost savings is one of the benefits of virtual room planners that homeowners love the most. A lot of kitchen remodels involve unnecessary mistakes that can cost thousands of dollars. Maybe there was some miscommunication on the paint color the owner wanted, or perhaps the wrong style of tile was installed. Virtual room planners cut down on the potential for disconnects between homeowners, designers, and vendors that supply goods for the remodel. You’ll have a finished virtual product before anything gets ordered or delivered. The process protects the homeowners from liability in the event something goes wrong. They can always point to the agreed upon design saved in the virtual portal.

Virtual room planners also can help cut down on labor hours. Contractors and service companies will know exactly what to do before they even step foot in your house. There’s no feeling out stage as they measure and calibrate things inside. When they arrive, they can get straight to work brining your vision to life.
It helps homeowners keep vendors accountable because everyone can reach an agreement before any work begins.

They Improve Design Coordination

There are usually several voices that chime in during the design and remodel process. Whether it’s a spouse or other family members, or a hired designer, people will have different ideas on what the best kitchen remodel will look like. The virtual room planner is the best collaboration tool available for interior design. They let people work together in real time even if they’re in separate locations. This helps cut down on decision time because they’re no waiting around for the designer to arrive or waiting for when the contractor can make time for an appointment.

Virtual planners can also help establish a vision for your kitchen. There won’t be any confusion over what each involved party thinks the product should look like. Extensive remodels often are a trigger for arguments over differences in vision. With virtual tools, everyone will be able to make it in the planner for all to see. A homeowner, their spouse, and the designer can settle on something each party is passionate about. Everyone can feel like they’re contributing something to the project.

Virtual Room Planners Let You Try Out Different Products

Virtual room planners are great for people who want to remodel their kitchen but don’t know exactly what look will go best in the room. With planners, they can settle on counter materials, appliance colors, and if they want a tile mosaic on the wall. Even some branded stores have virtual planners that customers can use to design a room with their products before checking out. It helps avoid buyer’s remorse that can end up costing lots of money and years of regret. There are too many kitchen remodel horror stories where people end up with counters they hate and expensive appliances they could have lived without. Using a virtual room planner keeps purchases inline with design vision and makes sure you’ll be smiling in your kitchen every time you walk in the room.

Homeowners, builders and interior designers have made virtual room planners a key component of every kitchen remodel. They’re easy to use and cost much less than a bad purchase or design theme. Don’t make the mistake of pursuing a kitchen remodel without testing your ideas with a virtual tool that lets you see what it will turn out. Take advantage of the tools that technology provides and make life easier with the help of a virtual room planner.