How to Create an Online Fashion Portfolio in 5 Steps


If you’re someone who is interested in pursuing a career in clothing design, your skills aren’t the only factor in your success. To be taken seriously, you need a way to show that you know what you’re doing. That’s what your portfolio is for.

You may have experience making your own clothes, but aspire to get into fashion school one day. You may have worked in the industry for years but want to apply to a new, exciting position. Whatever the reason, you need a killer portfolio.

Back in the day, your portfolio would be a physical folder of some of your best work. Today, how you present your work has been transformed by technology. The internet and design principles of web design can really help showcase your fashion designing ability.

Building such a portfolio and utilizing the digital space can seem like too much. You might not even want to work in high fashion, and rather are interested in designing affordable prom dresses or working for a small company. Still, a portfolio will open doors and display what you can do, no matter what you want to achieve.

Even without experience, creating a portfolio is manageable with a few tips and tricks. The following is a little insight into how you can prepare your portfolio for success.

Read the Requirements

If you’re building your portfolio for a certain purpose, such as fashion school or a specific job, look into what they portfolio requirement they have if any. Follow these requirements as best as you can. It doesn’t matter how good your designs are, they won’t want to see it if it doesn’t fit their requirements.

These guidelines will differ from program to position so be sure to adapt as you go. If your portfolio is on a website, you can easily move your designs around to make them more appealing.

Find an Easy-to-Use Website Builder

While many people use a binder or a folder to hold their samples, a lot of places won’t accept physical portfolios anymore. Nowadays, an online portfolio is the way to go.

The best way to showcase your own art is through your own website. You can really create a comprehensive and beautiful site if you have any web-design or coding experience. Even if you don’t know how to code, you can create a professional website with the help of a website-building service. There are many options that allow you to use customizable designs and a drag-and-drop editor.

Get Some Good Photos

Enlist your friends to model your designs. You could splurge on a professional photographer and models, but it may be smarter to get resourceful, especially if you’re newer to designing.

You can get a quality photographer by bartering your services. If you have a photographer friend looking to build their own portfolio, you can take the opportunity to help each other out. You can also utilize yourself for your designs. No matter the route you take, try your best to highlight the detail and construction of your clothes.

Edit, Edit, Edit

Another web design element that can help you with creating a collection of your work is editing. Graphic design techniques can help you edit your photographs so that they stand out. If the photos you’ve taken haven’t featured the details as you want, the editing process can help you make tweaks like bringing out certain colors.

Another part of the editing process that has nothing to do with digital design is choosing what to leave in. It can be tempting to leave every photo of your favorite look but that’s a rookie mistake. Having just five amazing pieces with just one photo can be more striking than dozens of the same garments from different angles.

Nail the Order

When you’re arranging your portfolio on your website, present your strongest look first. From there, create a flow that shows everything in the middle and then finish it off with your second strongest look.

Draw them in and leave them wanting more. A website as a portfolio really allows you to more easily create a flow as you have complete control over how viewers look at your work.

The Bottom Line

Whatever reason you choose to build your portfolio, ensure that it’s a reflection of you. While you want to stand out, you really want to sell yourself. Creating a story with your portfolio that will do just that.