Magic Social Review: A Comprehensive Guide


Instagram is one of the main marketing tools for businesses and organisations across the globe.

With the potential to tap into an audience of over 1 billion people every month, you need to know how to successfully manage your account to engage your target audience and increase your competitive advantage.

Social Media Management

Social media management companies are specialist agencies that manage social media accounts on a companies or personal behalf. They look to increase reach, growth and essentially profit derived through Instagram.

Magic Social

Magic Social specialises in Instagram growth. Other organisations who promise you a set amount of followers per week can often leave you back where you started.

The promise of instant popularity for your profile can mean that whilst you will look popular, the image won’t last and you can find yourself back to where you started quickly. Magic Social works with you and your organisation to help you grow effectively.

How Do Magic Social Do This?

Slow growth is the key to trust for Instagram users, if you purchase 10,000 followers but have low engagement rates, people are going to quickly realise this and will stop trusting you. Whereas Magic Social want to help you reach your target market in an open and honest way. Magic Social do this by reviewing exactly what is it you want from your Instagram and who you want to engage with. You can pre select your demographics, even down to specific locations and hashtags used. Magic Social will do most of the management for you, they will grow your account, engage with other users so you can post in confidence.

Why Use Magic Social?

Unlike other social media management organisations, Magic Social are exceptionally transparent in how they operate. This means that you can take solace in the fact that the money you parted with for a custom-built engagement strategy isn’t going towards a plethora empty Instagram accounts and followers who will do nothing for the reach or growth of your account.

Magic Social’s Strategy

The strategy applied by Magic Social is one of organic growth and engagement, if this strategy is deployed internally within organisations it can be time and resource consuming, which is why a lot of organisations now outsource to organisations such as this. Magic Social have dedicated support staff to ensure that you get the help and response you need in a timely manner. When you choose magic social to manage your social media, you aren’t just buying followers, you are buying a professional service with end to end management.

Although Magic Social will take over most of the management of your account, you need to remember that they wont deal with all of the management and content. It will still be down to you to actively post content as well as reply to comments on your posts and direct messages.

How Much Growth Can You Expect to See?

Well firstly, that is dependent on your criteria, demographics and selected strategy, but Magic Social are effective in delivering growth to your account very quickly. Remember this is organic growth so it does take longer than purchasing followers, but these are also followers than won’t drop off your numbers in a week or so. You will start seeing a change to your follower numbers within the first week of your plan.

Is Magic Social Legit? Is it Safe?

We all know about the risks some bots possess and this can be compounded if you purchase followers, some of the accounts can be malicious. We tested magic social on our account, we saw a solid and smooth growth curve in the first 7 days, but fundamentally, we didn’t see any notifications suggesting that our actions were being blocked on Instagram. This is demonstrating how safe and professional Magic Socials interactions are.

Final Thoughts

Magic Social provide an exceptionally professional and well managed service for your Instagram. Even with their base strategies you can expect to see organic and stable growth which won’t drop off after a few weeks. The fact that you can tailor your demographic requirements straight away and then build a strategy around this is what gives this organisation its competitive advantage and will also help you increase yours.

Magic Social are experts at what they do and very professional, you will always be able to have your question or query answered in a timely fashion. They will even generate reports outlining interaction, engagement and percentage increases, keeping the entire process transparent and honest.

Finally, as the entire growth strategy is organic, you won’t be hit with any account limiting issues that buying followers can do. They operate within Instagram’s terms of service and you give you total piece of mind when you choose them to manage your account. All you will need to do from now on is sit back, upload some content and reply to your new consumers.