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Types of Software Your Online Business Should Use

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Running a business online is becoming an increasingly popular way to become an entrepreneur. Not only does it require less startup costs than traditional businesses, but can often be done from a single computer (at least when starting out).

Also, due to the advancement and innovation of technology, there are a variety of online tools geared at helping those with online components to their business. This article is going to look at a few types of online software that every company should look to use.

Accounting Software

While you may not worry about how you manage and record your accounts throughout the year, once the year end is approaching, it will be right at the front of your mind. While many companies will just use excel to track taxes, revenues, expenses and costs, this might be something you regret. Sure, it can be done, but can be difficult, slow and inefficient.

Instead, why not invest in an affordable accounting software. These pieces of software can track everything from revenue to costs, calculate your tax liability and even see how profitable you are in seconds. It simply does a much better job at managing your accounting. It also ensures that come tax time/year end, you will be prepared.

Project Management Software

If you run an online business, there is a good chance that a number of your employees will be remote workers. While remote employment (at least some of the time) is becoming more popular, this can make it difficult to have meetings and keep everyone on the same page in a traditional sense when it comes to working on projects.

Thankfully, several different companies have come out with project management apps and software that allow teams to collaborate, no matter where they are located. This makes keeping everyone updated much easier. It also gets rid of the need for physical meetings. Many of these tools have other unique features to assist remote teams do project management right.

Customer Service Software

One of the most important aspects of an online business is exhibiting great customer service practices. If your company has poor service and doesn’t answer questions well, it doesn’t matter how good your product or services are, your business will likely struggle. Not only that, but consumers seek good service and no longer want to wait days or hours to hear a response, so having quick and responsive customer service is needed.

There are several different pieces of customer service and customer relations software that can be used such as remote administration software, CRMs (customer-relationship management), live chat software, chatbots and more. You need to identify which pieces of software could help your business and do some research on which best meets your needs and price range.

Social Media Management Software

With over 75% of Americans having a social media account and billions across the world using apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, social media has exploded in recent years. In addition to individuals using social media, every business in the modern day should be active on social media. It has become a very great way to market, connect with your audience, advertise and more.

However, handling everything from posting new content to responding to enquiries can be tough to do manually. Social media management software can assist you in a number of ways from scheduling posts, showing you helpful analytics, notifications systems and many others. These tools can take your social media to the next level, without a ton of wasted time.

If you aren’t already using some of these types of software for your business, you should start. They all offer unique benefits that can help you.

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