7 Reasons Why Designers Can’t Ignore SMS Marketing


SMS marketing has been around for over 20 years and it’s still as effective as it was when it first burst onto the marketing scene all those years ago.

While SMS has traditionally been used to communicate with consumers, more and more designers and agencies are seeing the benefits of communicating with their prospects and customers by text.

Whether you use an SMS API or texting software, here are 7 compelling reasons, why you can no longer ignore SMS marketing.

Astonishing read rates

Of all the possible communication channels available to marketers, SMS boasts the highest open and read rates. By far.

According to mobileSQUARED, 90% of all SMS are read within the first 3 mins.
Although messages sent through apps like Snapchat, Messenger and WhatsApp now beat SMS in terms of the number of messages sent, SMS is still king when it comes to generating response.

Even among millennials, SMS is still the messaging app that that they use if they want to be absolutely sure that a message will reach its destination and be read.

SMS is universal

The joy of SMS is there’s nothing to download or learn how to use. Every phone ever made has the ability to send and receive texts. It’s the only universal messaging tool out there.
The popularity of the numerous messaging apps is likely to ebb and flow as they fight to complete for market share with new features and add-ons.

SMS, by contrast is clunky, dull and utterly reliable. Nothing looks to be challenging its dominant position.

SMS spam has almost disappeared

SMS used to have a real problem with spam. A few years I remember receiving dozens of spam texts a week.
Since the introduction of stringent new anti-spam rules in the EU and US, SMS spam has almost completely dried up. I can’t remember the last time I received a text spam.

The stakes are just too high for any company to take the risk. Regulators now have the power to hand out massive fines to any organisation that sends spam.
Thanks to the new rules our message inboxes remain largely spam free.

SMS can be measured

Every text that’s sent generates a delivery report informing you whether the text actually landed on the phone or not.
This allows you to remove dead numbers so that you don’t waste time and money sending messages that won’t arrive.

The delivery report also presents the opportunity to contact customers to obtain their correct mobile number.
If a text contains a link to a web site, then the number of page opens can also be tracked, allowing you to see exactly how many people responded to your campaign.

No distracting advertising

Messaging apps are more appealing to use than SMS in many ways. They’re far more flexible and have a host of useful and entertaining features.

Because they are free, the apps generate revenue from allowing advertising within the apps themselves.
Ads can be deliberately distracting; their purpose is to tempt the user away from the app and onto the advertiser’s’ website.

SMS, by contrast, operates in bubble, there are no distracting ads tempting users away. If you’re texting, that’s all you’re doing.

Your competition is using SMS

Jamie Turner from 60 Second Marketer came up with this brilliant line a few years ago.

“If you’re not using mobile marketing to attract new customers to your business, don’t worry — your competitors are already using it and are getting those customers instead.”

As the popularity of SMS in business increases, it’s more and more likely that your competitors are getting involved.

While you don’t want to obsess too much on what other designers and agencies are up to, you don’t want to let them dominate the most responsive channel available.

It’s quick to get up and running

SMS campaigns can be set up within minutes. You don’t have to get creative departments involved or consult a media buying agency.

You can simply upload your contacts’ mobile numbers and you campaign can be up landing on your prospects’ mobile phones within the hour.
Nothing is as quick or straightforward to deploy.


The humble text message is still your most powerful marketing weapon. It’s surprising then that so many designers and agencies haven’t yet explored its potential.

If used sparingly, with careful thought and consideration, the results can genuinely produce results that can transform your business.

if you haven’t yet got involved in the world of SMS marketing, it’s not too late to start.
What’s your experience of SMS marketing? Have you got any results or thoughts to share?

Let us know in the comments below.