Web Analytics

Website Design Principles Every Business Should Know

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Are you facing website performance issues such as high bounce rates, low visitors time on site, fewer page visits per session and low conversions in Google Analytics even after investing a lot of dollars in search engine optimization? If yes, then you must have a look at the overall design and layout of your business website because if there is lack of basic web design principles, ittends to perform poorly in search engines.

Appearance and design of a business website is a vital thing for improved conversations more than you imagine. I have come up with compelling website design principles that every business should know not only to improve online reputation but to increase brand recognition as well.

It should be simple and less distracting

An effective and exceptional website is always simple and less distracting as well. Most of the websites are overly designed with excessive use of colors, a lot of elements and irritating pop-ups. All these things make the website design hard to understand and distracting for the users. On another hand, a sleek and simple web design will not only makes the website appearance decent but also makes it engaging and easy to navigate for users. In results, website visitors will be able to find the desired information and details on the website more quickly and straightforwardly.

Clear & effective communication

Everyone is busy nowadays and don’t have enough time to go through a lengthy web pages in order to find the required information or data but they want desired stuff in no time even without spending extra efforts. That is the reason; you should organize your business website in a way to make the communication clear and effective. All information and data published on the website should be easy to read, understand and consume for the visitors to keep them engaged. You can make the communication clear and effective for the website visitors by adding clear headlines, bullet points and visuals where fit.

Effective use of white space

Creative and effective use of the white space is one of the vital website design principles to make the website compelling and engaging as well. A balanced combination of innovative web design and effective use of white space makes the overall website design appealing and easy to navigate. It enables the users to find the desired details and information quickly without spending a lot of energy and efforts.

High quality visuals

As you know the a picture can convey the story more effectively than words, the selection of high quality and most relevant images can make huge difference between success and failure of your business website. For example, if you are about to design a website for CMMS system, you should be using most relevant and high quality visuals in your web design to make the appearance of website appealing and engaging as well. Poor quality and irrelevant images on the site can have a bad impact on visitors even if overall web design is amazing.

Design is the reflection of your brand

Design of the website reflects your brand or company by representing your mission, vision, story and services you have to offer. So, selection of the website theme or design should be according to the logo and tagline of your company. From color scheme to font size and style, you should be cautious in order to create a great impact on your customers when they land on your website.You should alsocraft an amazing visual presentation precisely that will best serve your visitors to support the reflection of your brand.


Whether it is the matter to find an apt solution for planned preventative maintenance of business assets or a pair of clothes for upcoming special event, most of the people always search the desired stuff by using their mobile devices. That’s why, design of your business website should be responsive and mobile friendly in order to appear in more search engine results whenever Google for something you offer. Responsiveness in website design is a vital element in these days to survive in this fast evolving digital world.

Enhanced usability to inspire visitors for more

Your business website should have a homepage which is not only pleasing to eyes but easy to use and navigate as well.As it is mentioned above that your website design is reflection of your brand or company, there must be enhanced usability to attract visitors and make them stay to longer as well as to look for more. Make things easier for visitors by providing a great user experience and let the website grow and perform well in search engines amazingly.

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