7 Best E-commerce Tactics For Your Business


The ability to track important trends in a timely manner is a good way to compete in any market. Especially, if we are talking about such a dynamic area as e-commerce.

Anyone who first introduces promising changes in marketing, technology or business development, in the case of a well-made choice, can be cherry-picking. Any business should strive for leadership, as being very much a challenger, usually, faces a little.

Therefore, we will tell you about the trends in e-commerce, which will determine the further development of this industry in 2018. We hope this will help you understand in what direction to move on, and, if necessary, to make changes in the marketing strategy for the business.

Universal mobilization

Almost everyone has a smartphone. Many use them as the main means for surfing the Internet and as the assignment writing help. And, not only for viewing pages but also for communication in social networks, shopping and everything else. The share of mobile traffic is growing rapidly, and it has already crossed the mark of 30% of total attendance in many niches.

Adapting an online store for viewing on mobile devices is no longer just a pleasant option, but it is a necessity on which the efficiency of business development depends. A proven and relatively inexpensive way to do this is to implement an adaptive version of the site design.
Thanks to this, the site will be used equally conveniently both on the monitor of a stationary computer and on a small screen of a smartphone.

Video is gaining momentum

It is easy to understand that video production has finally strengthened as one of the marketing tools, just watching any video channel of the Internet store on YouTube. There are more than 800 thousand subscribers, tens and even hundreds of thousands of views of each video and hundreds of user comments, each of which is a potential customer of this online store.

Personalize everything

Do you know which promotional offer is the most effective? The one that takes into account your personal interests and product, which helps to solve your problems. As a consultant in an elite boutique.
How does it work? Personalization in e-commerce, in most cases, is implemented in several ways:

– Behavioral targeting based on an interest in a particular product or category;
– Segmentation of the audience of email-distribution on separate groups;
– Customization of landing page content in real time;
– Product recommendations based on the statistics of views.

Personalization in marketing is still a lot of a very small percentage of companies at the moment. The main barriers to its widespread adoption are obsolete technologies, the need for investment and the lack of sufficient data on the target audience.

Multichannel marketing

No matter how thoughtful the campaign was and no matter how large the budget was, it is impossible to attract all potential customers for business, using only a channel. To reach the target audience to the maximum, you need to work in different directions, which is the essence of multi-channel marketing.
Your customers can be anywhere – in search, social networks, on YouTube, on forums and much more.

Moreover, you can draw on your business the attention of those users who can not be reached through other methods in each of these places.
You can also include content marketing, email-mailing, retargeting here.

Optimization as a necessity

There are no more niches on the Internet in which there would be no competition now. The budget is limited for all, and the decrease in profitability creates its own limitations for advertising campaigns. If the profit from the client is $ 50, you obviously can not afford to spend more than 2/3 of this sum.

That is why, you need to optimize everything you can, to increase the efficiency of work on marketing. The rates in contextual advertising, constant experiments with audiences in social networks, discounts when posting articles on external sites are only a small part of the work that you need to do to earn, not to go into negative.

The role of technology is growing

No matter how experienced a marketer is, he can not bypass the laws of physics. Each person has a certain ceiling on the amount of work, and he can not do more purely physically. And this is relevant in relation to routine tasks especially, which do not have high complexity but take a very long time.
Automation saves. Special services and software can monitor and adjust advertising rates around the clock, collect information for audit, calculate KPI data, generate reports for customers, and do a lot of other things.

As a result, a specialist can perform many times the workload and save a huge budget for the company having organized effective automation of routine.

The era of content marketing

Those who can master the wisdom of content marketing are really lucky. This is a terrific tool for promoting your business on the Internet, which works great for solving such problems as brand building.
Working in the direction of content marketing allows you to get a good return on almost any topic in e-commerce, and most importantly it gives you the chance to become a leader in your niche.

Author:Arthur Clark
Arthur Clark is a e-commerce specialist. He is an expert in promoting websites and advertising. Arthur knows about targeting and customization a lot.