How to Optimize Your SEO Strategy for Voice Search


The way people scour for information is changing as technology hits innovation almost every moment. If you own a website or run a local business online, you’d probably be spending time optimizing the desktop version of your website and at the very moment, something strikes you. You just realized that you also need to optimize your website for mobile search as about 60% searches are carried out using mobile phones.

Now that you think you’ve got it all, you might want to think about the most innovative aspect – voice search optimization. The number of people voicing their searches keeps increasing and that’s the reason why you should be optimizing your SEO strategy for voice search. It does seem a bit complex, but once you’ve understood and learned how it works, you can easily plan for what you need to do.

What You’ll Learn

– Hello Voice Assistant!
– Mobile on the Go
– Conversational Keywords
– Visible Featured Snippets
– Focus on the Local

Hello Voice Assistant!

No matter what generation you belong to, you’ve probably witnessed the rise of voice assistants. According to the survey by HigherVisibility, 27% of the participants use voice assistants on a daily basis. Nonetheless, what makes voice assistants so popular?

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), it has been made possible for voice assistants to learn and develop according to the language process of their users and cater them with their favored searches and ideas. As the entire SEO value is driven by search, we must understand that virtual assistants do many things and have SEO value within the search frame.

To become a market competitor favored by voice assistants, your SEO strategy must be aligned to the natural language process that voice assistants require for search.

Mobile on the Go

Mobiles are taking over this era and that’s the reason Google is shifting to mobile-first indexing. Voice searching via mobile is expanding over time due to the convenience, faster speed as compared to typing, and its reliability. The users when voice searching look for information relevant to what they’re searching and that’s why voice search needs to be mobile-friendly.

In order to optimize your SEO performance for voice search, you must first add a mobile version of your website in the Google Search Console. Check if your pages are mobile-friendly and detect problems if any. Optimize page loading time by auditing your website.

Conversational Keywords

The reason most people prefer voice search over typing is its ability to grasp the conversational tone and natural language. Thus, one can understand that keyword search for this type of search would be completely different than just typing specific words.

Voice search demands long-tail keywords that convert faster and are less competitive. If you want to improve your SEO strategy in this area, you might want to focus on the questions your target audience is likely to ask.

You can build your content around the most relevant and related questions, and create a Q&A page to optimize your website for your target audience.

Here’s a tip you can learn from custom essay services and content marketing agencies: Focus on the conversational tone and relevant content to appear in top search results.

Visible Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are a vital part of the SEO and are ranked in position zero due to their appearance at the top of the SERPs. These snippets appear as boxes with the website’s information and the website’s source link.

Now that voice search is becoming popular day by day, featured snippets are also becoming valuable. Why’s that? That’s because if you search for something using voice search, your conversation will obviously contain a long-tail keyword phrase. If the snippet emerges on your screen, your mobile will read it to you!

For example, when you ask a question on Google Home page, it will gather info from the web and will cite the source of this information by expressing the site’s name and will send a link to your Google Home app. If you want fast results and more visible, featured snippets of your content and website, you might want to include conversation-style, long-tail keyword questions at the start of your content and don’t forget to include it in your title and website’s URL too.

Focus on the Local

With voice search at your command, you can scour any nearby business. The best thing about this feature is that it lists all the relevant results and makes it easy for you to attain services without stepping a foot outside. But are you making it easy for others to find your business?

You can optimize your SEO strategy by focusing on conversational voice questions that are common on local grounds. Be as natural as possible and use phrases and questions you yourself would like to use.
Adding a Q&A page with long-tail phrases will help you get positive reviews from customers in your locality. Also, by adding maps and locations, you’ll be able to improve your SEO strategy for voice search.

Final Thoughts

The world of search engines and keyword searches keeps growing and is now touching new possibilities. Increased use of voice assistants, Google’s shift towards mobile indexing, and the introduction of AI have demanded SEO strategies that are different than the traditional ones. It would seem difficult to optimize, but evolving your SEO strategies with the voice search based on local and conversational-style phrases is a great opportunity to optimize your content.

Go ahead and get soundly noticed by optimizing your SEO!