5 Ways That Will Make Your Website More Engaging


A website is much more than a few pages containing relevant content and when it comes to the subtler elements that determine whether it’s a great website, one of these elements is visitor engagement. The functional and engaging parts are two great ways to ensure that you hold a high conversion, rank highly in Google searches and keep your visitors coming back for more.

Keeping potential customers or clients on your website is a key and you are far more likely to see an increase in business or perhaps see a new flow of unique visitors to your site through word of mouth if your site is engaging and interesting to spend time on. Consumers are very impatient when it comes to browsing sites that do not capture attention, so we have compiled a few tools that will help to make your site a better place to visit.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Website Engagement Tip #1 – Original and Engaging Content

This element of your website is vitally important when looking to keep the attention of potential customers or clients. When looking at websites, our attention span can be low and it’s even lower when we spend time online looking at websites. Over 55% of your visitors will leave your site in under 15 seconds and the general rule is that if you can manage to keep a visitor’s attention for longer than 30 seconds, there is a strong chance they will stay longer.

One of the best ways to achieve this is through well-written and engaging content on your pages. The information on your site is one of the easiest ways to connect with your audience and give them something they either haven’t seen before or educate them on something they don’t know. In the world of blogging, some of the most popular and well-received blogs are “how to” blogs which are designed to teach a person how to do something important. This style of engagement will ensure that the visitor will stay longer and will most likely keep coming back to learn more.

Website Engagement Tip #2 – Media

Different forms of media such as tutorial videos or animations are a fantastic way to keep your visitors entertained and deliver vital information through a different medium. Using the combination of voice and images works well to capture and hold the attention of anyone who is either a first-time visitor or loyal returning visitor. Using media is also a great way to deliver large volumes of information quickly and in a style of language that people will understand and retain for the future.

Website Engagement Tip #3 – Ensuring Your Site is Mobile Friendly

Lack of adaptation is an instant website killer due to the sheer number of customers or clients who will visit your site on a mobile phone or tablet. Having a website that is mobile friendly means that your site can be easily viewed on a mobile phone or tablet so it is important that your site was designed to handle mobile viewing. If you are unsure as to your website’s ability to respond to mobile devices, perform a simple website audit to test the adaptation of the site on mobile devices. The audit will outline the areas that your site is failing in when viewed on mobile devices so that you can rectify any areas that are not working and ensure a smooth and engaging browsing experience.

Website Engagement Tip #4 – Clean and Creative Website Design

The physical design of a website is just as important as any other parts because visitors wouldn’t want to spend time trying to navigate through clunky or cluttered websites and will just give up at some point. When your visitors see an easy to navigate website that features the necessary information upfront, you will help to ensure a smooth user experience and will see a higher conversion rate in addition to seeing more time being spent on individual pages.

Design elements such as badly cropped photos, mismatched text, visually offensive colors and poorly placed content will be an instant turn off for visitors and won’t give them any addended incentive to spend time on your site. Less is more in this situation and if you focus on the basics of design to ensure a clean and focused site, you will be able to add elements to the site in the future and you will keep the overall look and feel of the site pleasing to the eye.

Website Engagement Tip #5 – Individuality

Developing your brand is important and your website can act as a great way to develop your brand and increase brand awareness if the site has a personal touch. People buy from people and depending on the style of your business, you may not want to give off a corporate vibe to your potential customers. Keep the message personal and through that message, you will see a higher concentration of valued business in addition to a creating a base of loyal customers who want to deal with a face and not with another huge faceless business.

By following and using some of these tips on your website, you will be in a great position to keep unique visitors coming to the site and provide your returning visitors with something to come back for.