Practical Ways to Optimize Your Computer for Better Performance


When you use a computer, you should know that saving and deleting files and folders, installing and uninstalling applications, and freeing and filling up the space in your computer have an impact on the computer’s performance. In fact, computers are such sensitive machines that the mere use of these devices or just the eventual passage of time could create irreparable damage that, while insignificant at first, upon accumulation over the years, eventually leads to the computer’s breakdown.

This is why, thankfully, computers can be assembled or disassembled when one of their parts finally gives in. All computer users must be able to use computers in such a way that they also understand all these things and know how to extend the computer’s optimal performance. Some might use applications like the one at, but for those who don’t have the option to use such an application, here are a few tips to make your computer perform better, for longer:

– Avoid keeping large files unnecessarily.One of the best things you can do to keep your computer efficient is to avoid filling it up. Learn to free your computer of files you don’t need and make use of cloud and external storage devices for archival purposes. A good exampleof files you can throw away are application installers that are old. They’re most likely to be outdated and there’s no merit in keeping them, unless there’s a reason to do so. However, such cases are rare, and it would be better to just do away with them by deleting them or saving them anywhere, not on your computer. When deleting files remember that they’re usually moved to the Recycling Bin. Empty the Recycling Bin afterwards

– Learn to maintain your computer and clean it once a month. Check which applications you don’t use and remove them. Check which applications launch during startup. There are some applications that are launched during the startup, some of which are applications you probably don’t need running. Keep your computer updated.

On the physical side, learn how to clean the fans of your computer and get rid of all the dust that may accumulate inside. If it needs to be removed from the computer, do so gently. You can use a blowdryer to blow away the dust, on a “cool” setting. If you have such a blowdryer and intend to use it, hold the fins of the fan to prevent them spinning while they’re being blown. Learn how to clean your processor and replace the thermal paste if you can. You can buy thermal paste on the internet to replace it. This is important because computers tend to overheat if the thermal paste is old.

– Finally, watch your RAM consumption.Lacking RAM is the main reason why your computer slows down. You either buy more of it or watch how many applications you have open every time you use the computer. Try not to exceed your capacity. Your computer might crash.

In following these tips you will be surprised to see your computer performing better.