The Role Social Media Plays in Promoting a Company


You have a product or service you want to sell so you advertise. Not too long ago the options were limited to venues such as the newspaper, trade shows, mailings, and television. The later, television, was something that only businesses that were established could afford. Today, with the internet at your disposal and social media sites attracting millions of people each day, the game changes. Companies now realize that if they want to get more traffic they have to rethink their advertising and invest in outlets that are cost-effective. 

Social Media

Social media is experiencing an explosion of viewers that exceeds its original expectations. Today, more than half the population has a smartphone and over 75 percent of the population has a presence on at least one social media website. With this amount of traffic daily, a business owner can gain viewers and potential sales easier than ever.

Social media has many benefits for a business owner. First, it gains viewers. Even if a person doesn’t purchase anything, they are still viewing the business presence through your website or with help from a video production services company producing a short video of your company’s values and products. Over time, this creates a familiar presence so that if the time comes when they need what you are selling you are more apt to become their first choice. Second, with a presence on social media, an existing customer can place either a favorable or non-favorable comment. This allows you, the business, a chance to respond, allowing you to interact with the customer, and thus establish a relationship. Third, you gain access to free advertising. If a person likes your product it becomes part of their page and when anyone on their list views their account they automatically see your ad. 

User-Friendly and Engaging Website

While social media will get you more exposure than you ever imagined, the sales ends of it depend on you. Your website is the key to your victory. If you create a website that stands out from the rest and is easy to maneuver around, you stand a better chance of increasing your bottom line. If you are not sure how to design one solicit the services of a professional. Ultimately what you want a user-friendly site with drop downs that let the customer get to their area of interest quickly. You should include a short paragraph about the company history; have an enticing homepage with original and valuable content that reads easily.

It’s also important to have a message board, as well as a page that brings up the company name, address, phone number and email address. With technology, a new threat emerges, the hackers, who prey on businesses that don’t protect the client information. This is why it’s also necessary to have a hosting company to maintain a high-level of security and bring trust and peace of mind to your potential clients. 

Staying Ahead of the Competition

If you continue to use the old tried and trusted measures for your advertising, you’re losing ground with your competition. The most successful companies have a strong presence on social media. The good news about adding your name to the list of those appearing on these media sites is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started. For a small investment, usually just a few hundred dollars, you can start to enjoy an increase in traffic which over time will translate to many more sales and a household name. Social media is quickly becoming the go-to source for millennials and if one of their followers raves about a product or service they are likely to try it out. 

If you are noticing a decline in new business you need to look no further than social media as a means to give you the exposure you need to stay connected to a vast majority of the population who visit their page and that of their family, friends, and acquaintances daily.