4 Ways to Streamline Manufacturing Operations


Manufacturing goods typically involves many steps and factors. Owners and managers of manufacturing businesses have to think about supply, distribution, workflows, safety and a myriad of other constantly changing variables. Due to the nature of this industry, it’s essential that companies strive to cut down on inefficient processes and protocol. Here are four ways to streamline manufacturing operations.

Set Strict Quality Control Guidelines

Many manufacturers get a reputation for delivering sub-standard products. While it’s smart to get the best deals on wholesale raw parts, cutting too many corners won’t help you. Cheap goods made quickly with poor materials are going to disappoint customers. And if customers don’t like your product, they’re going to return it, even if it was inexpensive compared to other options. Returns are extremely costly for manufactures, especially when an item is dysfunctional to the point it can’t be resold. Make sure your manufactured goods are receiving adequate quality control at every phase of production with the help of a QMS system.

Use Data to Your Advantage

There’s no excuse for a manufacturer in today’s world to be operating without collecting and acting on data. The benefits of real-time and long-term data collection can be monumental for a manufacturing business, as it can reveal highly targeted insights for increasing efficiency. A manufacturing ERP is one of the best ways to collect data. A cloud ERP system for manufacturers integrates all departments and processes onto one central platform that can be accessed by all employees with a connection to the Internet. Manufacturing ERP software can help manufacturing companies find inefficiencies in assembly or warehouse layout. It can also track performance on any device connected to the cloud ERP; so managers can see how employees are doing, and offer specific advice to help boost productivity.

Automate Certain Tasks

It’s no secret that automating processes is a great way to streamline a manufacturing business. There are a few ways companies can approach this in order to derive the most benefit. If there are sections of assembly that could be improved by robotics, it might be wise to make an investment in the technology. While your company probably doesn’t have the resources to employ robots to the extent of Amazon, every increase in efficiency leads to a healthier bottom line. It can also be helpful to rearrange your warehouse structure to compliment a more automated workflow.

Another place manufacturing companies can automate work is on the administrative end. A manufacturing ERP or other organizational platform is ideal for this. Many ERP systems allow users to lower staffing for payroll and accounting jobs, as these can be set within the platform. Manufacturing ERP software can also automate some aspects of inventory and item tracking, which will help streamline daily routines.

Reduce Redundancies

Redundancy is the enemy of efficiency. If you want to streamline your manufacturing operations, it’s essential that your work to eliminate duplicated tasks. Obviously, most managers aren’t intentionally writing each step twice when they create protocol. The reason redundancies are so rampant in businesses is because they’re not always obvious. Go through all your company’s processes and identify steps that are either unnecessary or can be combined into one action. Each link you can take out of your chain of operations will do its part in streamlining your manufacturing business.

If your company is struggling to build a more efficient workplace, here’s some good news: There are many actionable steps you can take right now to move toward this goal. Whether it’s something as simple as rearranging your warehouse floor, or as involved as on-boarding new manufacturing ERP software, streamlining your business will pay off in the long run.