A Detailed Guide on How to Select the Best WordPress Hosting In 2017


Many at times, most of us are likely to make mistakes when it comes to looking for a modern content management system today. Our goals are mainly based on how easy it will be to use and maintain this service, without necessarily incurring enormous costs in the end. Moreover, we may not be tech savvy, equipped with skills such as web design and running, and that why wordpress comes in handy in this case, to run our websites with less stress.
However, choosing the best hosting company is one of the trickiest tasks. You want to create an excellent blog, but you have no clue about the best hosting companies in the market, which can fit your budget, let alone your web hosting needs. In this guide, you will learn on how to go about it, but reserve the decision on the best service to you.

Understanding the Best WordPress Hosting Options

By now you know that servers manage the various websites on the internet. Servers are specialized computers that monitor web operations, and they are quite expensive for individuals and businesses when it comes to owning and operating them in the long run. To cut down the inefficiencies that go with web hosting, some companies have taken up the task of working the network, hence becoming hosts, running hundreds of thousands of servers in one distinct location.
It is therefore through this web hosts that each website owner acquires a lease of the servers to run their business at an affordable rate. So, wordpress hosting is therefore done through a platform that allows for the minimal interaction of servers and process on the Internet, to run the various websites, clients have contracted them to manage on their behalf.

Basic Features of WordPress Hosting

It is a piece of software which contains a group of functions to be added to a WordPress website, capable of extending or bringing new features to your site. It provides website owners with an efficient publishing framework, once installed and they are usually free. WordPress boast of over twenty thousand plugins that are well coded to fasten the operations and performance of your site.

Customer Support
WordPress host comes with a standby customer desk to enable users to get ways to solve problems all day and night through multiple channels, for example, online chats, emails or through the phone.

Different Hosting Packages

The hosting packages should be of a wide variety, to suit different customer needs or specific requirements. Some of the most common packages include;
Free WordPress Hosting- They are mostly offered in online forums and are usually managed by individuals trying to resell bits of their server space to top up their revenue.
Shared Hosting- It is one of the cheapest tiers in the market for use by many clients. Here a single server is partitioned for use by several customers who share the server’s resources as need be. Despite being affordable, it is unreliable and not secure for business.
E-Commerce Hosting- It is a particular package for clients planning to offer sales services through the wordpress websites. It comes with additional components such as an electronic shopping cart or credit card payment facilities.
VPS Hosting- VPS (virtual private server) is a shared server with partitioned resources for only two or more customers, but with no crossovers between clients. It is suitable for business and sites that experience heavy traffic or those that require different software installations.
Dedicated Hosting- It uses a top tier hosting server since customers are meant to lease the entire server from the hosting provider. It may require the additional expertise of an IT team.

Selecting the Best WordPress Host

Since the process is cumbersome, you will have to rely on several factors that come with selecting the host service and server. Look out for;
Reliability- Your WordPress host must guarantee you of a great website uptime, with pages loading with minimal time in at least all browsers. If your site goes down frequently, more often than not, your visitors will try avoiding the site in future.
Simplicity– Accessing your site remotely should be easy and can be done through major control panel software.
Security- WordPress plugins should be well coded and be able to offer a regular backup.
Know your WordPress Needs- As mentioned earlier, as a website owner, you have to know the different web hosting packages to determine which best fits your needs.
Price- The cost of Web hosting services varies in between the hosts and it is after evaluating the considerations mentioned above, then you can look for one that suits your needs. However, some cheap wordpress hosting may also come with additional features to provide excellent customer experience such as a one-time click plugins.

So is WordPress Hosting Cheap?

First, cheap wordpress hosting must come alongside other factors such as the disk space requirements, domains, bandwidth and email accounts that accompany it. Additionally, your day to day use of the website plays a part in determining the how one’s site will be hosting; for example, those with blogs may not need much building and maintenance features on their WordPress hosting.
However, some cheap hosting may not equate to good quality or value. Consider the following;
• Specialized WordPress knowledge.
• Competent customer care support.
• Services that support the level of traffic towards your site.
• Extra services and installations to keep your website up all the time.
• The data transfer allotment and presence of storage caps.
• Ability to offer the much-needed control over personal domains hence provides extra functionality.
• The presence of frequent WordPress updates.
• Quick and reliable web page load times.
• Proper and regular updates coupled up with enhanced security.

In conclusion, there are lots of cheap web hosting packages out there in the market and all you need to look up for the above features and settle on one. Remember, settling on a standard WordPress will only end up forcing you to switch to another package hence waste money and time that could have been used productively. Avoid dealing with misconfigured servers as much as you since it is a tiring task.