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CoreUI – Free Bootstrap Admin Template

Divi WordPress Theme

CoreUI is Open Source Bootstrap Admin Template. CoreUI is not just another Admin Template. It goes way beyond hitherto admin templates thanks to transparent code and file structure. And if it’s not enough, let’s just add the CoreUI consists bunch of unique features and over 1000 high quality icons.,

CoreUI based on Bootstrap 4 and offers 5 versions: HTML5, AJAX, AngularJS, Angular2 and React.

CoreUI is meant to be the UX game changer. Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer ultimate user experience. This means also mobile devices, where the navigation is the same easy and intuitive as in desktop or laptop. CoreUI Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device – be it Mobile, Web or WebApp – CoreUI covers them all.




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