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Turn your smartphone into a portable web designing hub – Alterations to make

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Gone are those days when smartphones were only for communicating through voice calls and text messages. These days, by utilizing the right apps, you can practically convert your phone into a mini computer. If you’re out on the road and you can’t access your laptop, your smartphone can become a saviour as there are many who always need to access their computers.

Even though you’re not a web designer, are you aware of the fact that it is actually possible to perform a web designing tasks even by using your phone? No, your phone won’t be tough to use and the different apps can also make designing look simple enough. If you’re someone who is a web designer, here are some must-have smartphone apps that you may think of installing in your phone.

View Web Source

Irrespective of the browser that you’re using, finding out the source of a web page is definitely easy but this is never a built-in function of smartphones. Here comes the importance and vitality of the View Web Source app through which you can view sources just as you’re able to do on desktops. You just have to feed in the URL and the app will soon show you the source code. You may copy this source code somewhere to utilize it later on when you start designing a page.

Adobe Edge Inspect

Formerly this app was known as Adobe Shadow but now it is called Adobe Edge Inspect. Although such apps are highly overshadowed by software programs like Flash, Photoshop and other Adobe apps, yet you can be sure of falling in love with it. Through this app, you can test a website both on a PC and on Mac and it can even connect different mobile devices naturally to form a mirror page of the site. Utilizing Adobe Shadow, testing on your smartphone is faster and easier.

VNC Viewer

If you’ve been aware of the recent Android news and headlines, you would have some knowledge on the evolution of smartphone apps through which a web designer can make things simpler. Through the VNC Viewer app you and sync your smartphone device to any computer anywhere. The phone will show you the desktop’s display which you can then control through the app. Once the display is visible on your phone, you can run all your desktop apps, change controls, access any portion of your computer through your phone just in a way you could by sitting in front of it.

Live View

Due to the demand for more and more apps for Google Android, BlackBerry and Apple smartphones are increasing like never before, web developers and designers are focusing predominantly on mobile devices. But these are created on computers and not on smartphones and hence they’re not pretty sure whether or not the app that they’re creating is compatible with a smartphone. Live View is an app which lets designers do so. Do you require immediate feedback on the site or app which you’re using for mobile devices? If yes, this app is extremely beneficial.


There are many who believe that smartphones aren’t created for productivity; rather they are created for consumption. Who could ever think that smartphones could be used for web designing? Textastic reassures that you can even use your smartphone for web designing. Being a simple code and text editor with syntax coloring, it offers functions like ‘search’ and ‘replace’.
So, above listed are some web designing apps to install in your mobile devices. Though there are various sites to provide you technology information, yet you should always keep increasing your knowledge to make life easier and mobile.

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