5 Brilliant Content Marketing Strategies

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Are you a content marketing genius? If you answered no, but you’re ready to become one … well get ready. We’re about to have a look at the following strategies below that will grow your content IQ like a beanstalk and skyrocket your visitor engagement into tomorrow.

Before we begin, let’s think back to another genius by the name of Albert Einstein. Here are the facts … that we have a Nobel Prize winner who lived in age without computers or any internet choice, for that matter. Albert was a man who managed to somehow create and publish over 300 science papers along with 150 non-scientific papers during the course of his lifetime..

When we boil down Einstein’s combination of simple language with high mathematics, we end up with a formula that can break the barriers of conventional thinking. Just think on how he changed the way we still think about physics in the present day. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

Now the question becomes how do we employ Einstein’s approach to content marketing? It’s rather simple, you see. Albert also pointed out that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So to be successful, you have to change things up.

Know Your Topic Inside and Out

This is about you, your passion and knowledge. What do you know best? How do you apply that knowledge into effective content marketing? Is your main passion something you are currently pursuing with a college degree?

Or, maybe you have a favorite hobby that you love and you would rather be doing full time. Well can you figure out how to translate that passion of yours for an audience? You see, if you’re already interested in an area … you can become an expert quite quickly. This can take the form of highly insightful commentary that your visitors are going to enjoy and come back to read again.

Be a Breakthrough Artist. Do Not Fear Controversy

The theory of general relativity posted by Einstein, flaws and all, was a challenge to the ways of thinking of his time. In the world of content marketing, utilizing the same principles of introducing fresh ideas will garner the attention of your target market. This also requires going a step further and researching the necessary problems related to your niche and coming up with solutions.

One company that used this principle successfully conquered Youtube with commercials played by a Brigham Young University Student with a British accent. She was the spokeswoman for a bathroom odor commercial for a website called PouPourri. By combining a controversial topic with charming eloquence, they achieved millions of views.

Be a Storyteller

To explain complex theories, Albert used simple examples that his audience would understand. In this same way, you too should incorporate stories that will connect your readers to your content. Often times, it’s the artists and musicians who can bring stories to life. As for companies, we can look no further than Apple. Much of their history, from the inception of their first computer to the Hollywood film of its founder Steve Jobs – has been a story in and of itself.

Some of the best stories are shared via visual content marketing. Why? The answers is simple -videos and infographics are more engaging to the audience, and more profitable to bloggers and webmasters. Conversion rates for visual data prove the power they have to communicate more effectively than text alone. In fact, the informational graphic is 30 times more likely to be read than pure text. Though this shouldn’t come as a surprise when we think of the phrase ‘a picture is worth of thousand words’.

Write plainly

Staying on par with the previous point, the ability to speak and write plainly without the technical jargon is essential to getting your points across. That also means foregoing the hype and business sales pitch and first learning the art of teaching and educating the prospect. Use the power of your writing when and where needed.

Brand your content to be memorable

Clearly, if you’re a Nobel Prize winner … the authority and credibility is evident to your readers, and would have an amplification effect on anything Albert would publish. Likewise, have a look at your USP or unique selling proposition. Consider your advantages. Will writing a book give you the author status for a stamp of credibility you need?

As an example, just look at the insurance company Progressive and their spokeswoman named Flo. She has been in countless commercials over the years, and guess what? Now there are countless consumers ready to drive their first car who will need insurance. They’ll remember the same lady they grew up with. So you see, ‘Flo’ no longer sells insurance, she is insurance.

Consider all angles above and you’ll become a content marketing genius in no time.

Author Bio:
Michael Peggs is the founder of Marccx Media, a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO and Content Marketing. Before Marcxx, Peggs worked at Google in business development, forming digital media and advertising partnerships. He is also a blogger and podcaster, hosting the iTunes Top 10 New & Noteworthy Podcast You University.

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