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Free Minimal Resume Templates (7 pieces)

Divi WordPress Theme

This is a beautiful collection of free minimal resume templates for your personal use. The below resume themes are great for placing your personal information, whether you are a designer, programmer or manager.

Resume is a document that contains a summary of your experiences,skills,maybe references and education relevant to the field of work you are entering.A resume highlights accomplishments to show an employer that you are qualified for the job you want to get.You know,first impression is very important so a great resume with perfect style and appearance will help your stand out.Make sure your resume properly displays who you are and what you are all about.

You can download these right now and use this beautiful resume templates as your own resume & cover letter.


Free Resume Template (3 page)

7.resume templateThis is a FREE resume template that is intended for your personal use.


Free Clean And Minimal Resume Template

resume templateDownload package contains three .ai files. Two resume/cv templates and one cover letter to apply that dream job you’ve always wanted. Font used is Montserrat (free) with a fresh letter spacing to add more breath to it.


Free Resume Template

2.resume templateSource


Free PSD CV/Resume

3.resume templateSource


Free Resume Template and Cover Letter

4.resume templateFree resume template that comes with matching cover letter template. The free resume template is easy to use and customize. Showcase you experience in a creative way that is easy to read. This resume template freebie makes creating resume and cv easy. Just fill in your content and save as PDF or print it out.


Free Resume Template

5.resume templateThis is a free resume template. The file format is Ai.


Free Resume Template

6.resume templateFree resume template ready to download.

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