Surprising natural link building tactics that will launch your Google rankings to page 1!


If you want your website to rank on the first page of Google, you need to generate links that will pass the authority that will allow Google’s algorithm to rank you on the first page of the search engine results. Executing the link building strategies can be a challenge. To make it easier, we have provided the following tips on how you can acquire links successfully with these SEO link building strategies.


Create link-bait with influencers

Link baiting by creating epic content is the most natural and risk free approach to building links for your website. To achieve this, you must create content that will resonate and incentivise the audience to reference the content on their site (or on another website) as a link. Some examples of the type of content that can be created includes:
Developing a how to guide on a specific topic.
The guide should be detailed and add value for the audience. Content bait can strategically be placed in the article by referencing other authors or influencers on the topic and letting them know via email or via social media.

Influencer roundup

People love showcasing themselves. If you showcase the great things that others have done, then it is likely they will share it with their family and friends. You can do a roundup of popular influencers in an industry and feature their profile or their work. Once you have finished, you can send them an email with the link to their feature and ask them to share it, save it or publish the link on their website.


When these are done well, they offer incredible insight into the performance of a certain task. For example, income reports by bloggers are proving to be very popular and results in a lot of blogger engagement, citations and references on social media and on their own websites.

Publishing on audio media websites

If you develop audio content such as podcasts, then this could be an option for you. Site’s such as ITunes and Soundcloud allow you to gain a link which links back to your website profile. To acquire this type of link, you need to develop a profile on the website or submit your podcast to ITunes, where you will receive a live link in return.

Submit testimonials

One method that is very underutilised is the submission of testimonials to other people’s websites. If you have suppliers that you are happy with, provide them with a glowing testimonial. You may be fortunate to be featured on the main pages on their site which pass authority and receive a live link back to your website.

Publish guest posts

Web publishers and editors are always in need of publishing good, quality content. If you can help provide them with an interesting story or information for their audience, they will often be thankful for it. Majority of websites will allow you to link out from your article to a reference that will add to the credibility of the publication.

Help out publishers

It is amazing how much of a positive response you can get from webmasters if you can help them resolve an issue on their website. In particular, if you can help them identify a broken link that is pointing to an external website and suggest replacement content for that link, they will usually be appreciative and reward you with a link.

Link reclamation

You can find unlinked mentions of your business, brand or personnel online and reach out to the publication to cite your website as a reference. You may find that you develop some authoritative links on some higher profile websites.
Reaching out to educational institutions as a resource.
Many people overlook the opportunity with acquiring links from schools, educational institutions and universities. Should your content be able to help students, you can forward an email asking to be referenced on a resource page. These links will help to boost the credibility of your link portfolio.

These are a few tactical ways to acquire natural links that will improve your website’s link portfolio and help your site to skyrocket to page 1 on Google.