Top 5 Tips to Design an Effective eBook Cover


Marketing is a vast world these days, especially after the advent of the internet. Although the internet was conceived and introduced almost three decades back, yet the process of marketing on this platform is still being innovated. Among the major marketing tools that are being introduced these days is the ebook. A large number of companies are using it. Moreover, ebooks are also being used for purposes beyond marketing. With more number of people depending on tablets and smartphones to read, almost all books are having their device-friendly versions. So, these days it is sort of imperative for the designers to know how to design ebook covers.
While designing the ebook covers, in the very first step you should check out is the size. It is essential to create an ebook that appears perfectly on all the devices on which the ebooks are mostly read. Besides, there are also other steps that need to be used to design a perfect ebook cover.


Here’s a quick look at some of tips that might come in handy for you to create some amazing ebook covers.

Convey More through Less

You just need to keep in mind that it is essential for the title of the ebook to catch the attention of the potential readers. And for that, you need to keep the design simple. There are several psychological benefits of a simple design. It helps the readers to process the design faster in their brains. And that surely has a major effect on their minds. Hence, they tend to like simple designs. So, try to speak more through less on the ebook covers.

Take Brand Components into Account

If you are creating several ebooks for a certain brands for the marketing purpose, it is essential to make that clear through the covers. The covers should have some uniformity. For example, you will need to use the same brand colors, albeit in different ways. Moreover, it is also essential to use the logos of the companies for which you are designing the ebook cover. Despite using all these, make sure that the covers are completely different for each ebook. And this is where you need to make complete use of your creativity.
But before you start designing the cover, you should have a proper checklist of all the brand components that you need to use on the cover. It will help you ensure that you are not missing out on any of them.

Include Images in the Design

When you are designing the ebook cover, don’t forget to include images. The images will break down the text that you are likely to have on it. Moreover, the images are known to speak a thousand words. So, they will help you convey a lot of information within a small space. So, it is almost essential to include images in your web design cover to make them more attractive for the potential readers.

The Title is Central to the Design

What is the title of the ebook?
Remember, a title says a lot of things about the book. And the person who had not heard of the book earlier might feel attracted towards the ebook and might end up buying it only if he feels that the title is relevant to what he is looking for. And the theme of the design should depend on the title of the book.
Hence, it is important that the title should be properly visible on the cover of the ebook. So, when you are designing the ebook cover:

  • Focus on the title
  • Make the title easily readable
  • Use the right fonts
    You need to select the fonts for the title, and also for the whole ebook, prudently enough. For example, if it is a business ebook, the fonts need to be somber, like Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, and so on. However, if the ebook is for children, the fonts can be a bit decorative, such as Comic Sans MS, Curlz MT and others.

    Find Inspiration to Use It in Your Own Way

    When you are planning to create an ebook cover, you might need some inspiration. And you can get many of those. All you need to do is a bit of research. Search for ebooks on topics similar to those you are working on. Try to have a look at as many of these ebook covers as possible, so that you don’t copy any. Instead, try to use the ideas in your own way. In short, get inspired by all of these ebook covers and create your own version of the same. It is surely going to help you end up with an amazing creation.

    There’s an old adage that tells us not to judge a book by its cover. Yet, when it comes to an ebook, the cover surely plays an extremely important role. It’s by the cover that the readers are first attracted. And the cover should do multiple roles. It should summarize the content of the book in the best possible manner. Besides, it should have a touch of the brand. In addition, it is important for the ebook cover to have all the text and pictures perfectly places, so that it appears great. Because, aesthetics is important for the cover. So, the web designers these days should have a proper idea about how to design the ebook covers to ensure that these components are helping significantly in the marketing procedure.

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