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How a Great App Landing Page Can Help the App Go Viral?

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It is not necessary that you get all the visibility by just putting the app in the app store. There are many different ways the people discover the apps. They can do so through the app store, through the word of mouth or from the web. A lot can be done with app store optimization by selecting unique keywords and taking proper screenshots and previews of the app.
Viral success of the app is elusive in nature because the tactics for one app does not necessarily work for the other app. It is important to add proper steps to include virality in the acquisition strategy.
When people land on your app, there are some requirements the landing page should meet and there should be recognizable features in order to make sure people know they came to the right place. Showing the clear picture of the app to the users is very important for its success. And of course, you should make sure people know where to go next. A call to action feature is an effective way to allow the users to visit the links on the app.
The landing page of the app need to offer tremendous value and it is not only for the advertising purposes of the mobile app, but there are many more other things.


Here are the important steps for marketing a mobile app.

  • Internal SEO for landing pages
  • Creation of a promotional video
  • Offering promo codes
  • Keyword analysis and description
    It is important to optimize the landing page of the mobile app and here are the ways to make sure this approach works for you as well.

    Headline of the page

    The headline is the most important element of the landing page. It should be refreshing enough to make the user click on the app.
    The best landing page headline is the one that allows the user to understand what the app is all about. They need to be short and descriptive. They should be the one that generates curiosity in the user to read the content further.

    Media on the page

    The media is also an important element of the landing page and it can be an audio, an image or a video. Visuals on the page convey the message more effectively and instantly. The app marketer or the advertiser can decide on the choice of the media to be added to the app.
    Creating a video for the app is also one of the best ways to reach out to the potential customers.


    After reading the headline of the page, the users move to the sub-text that is mostly carrying the message of the headline itself. If the user is reading the sub-text, it means that they are excited about your app and want to know more about it.


    Steps to virality

    It is necessary to plan various steps of virality. Basically, there are 2 important steps to it.
    1. Design & functionality of the app
    2. Promotional strategy
    The first step is to build the virality into the design and functionality of the app. It means making it easy for the users to share information across social networks. Gaming apps have leveraged by creating social logins to invite friends to play, share and compete with others.
    The second step is to infuse the virality into the promotional strategy. In other words, it means developing the presence of the web outside the app store. The mobile optimized landing page is the best approach in doing this.

    Other elements that can make a launch page go viral

    The apps have recently been using the following elements in order to make powerful landing pages.

  • Viral loop
  • Social proof
  • Content
    Let’s discuss the above elements in more detail.

    How to add a viral loop?

    The viral loop is specially built into the launch page. It is one of ways for the people to share information with their friends and followers
    There can be different ways of making the users subscribe to the new features, especially if you are on Facebook or other social network site.
    The stealth start-up method is also a very popular method for public marketing. A cool name and an amazing logo can add wonders to the marketing of the app.

    Influence of social networks

    The weapon of social proof can be a powerful way to get users to sign for the services you are providing in your app. The concept of this approach is based on the people who will always do what they see the other people doing. So it is a good method to reach out to the maximum users for the app.

    Shared content

    This is another strategy that should be followed before the launch of the app. The shared content can be like anything; it can be a video or an image as well.

    Why landing page is so important?

    The landing page is the heart of the app and it is a great tool that helps promote the app in the market, even before the launch of the app. You can share the link of the app with your friends or family, with famous blogger or influencer who might be willing to write a nice review for your app. This will act as a great user acquisition tool by asking the users to write a feedback before leaving the app. They can be informed about the launch of the app later on by sending emails directly to their inbox.

  • Gives more visibility to the app
  • Tool for promoting the app
  • Allows communicating the app to users
  • Better social sharing

    How to create an amazing landing page for your app?

    A number of templates are available to create landing pages for your app. Here are some of the basic key elements for creating a perfect page for the users.

  • Description of the app
  • You can highlight the features of the app in order to tell the users what the app is about and what it offers to you.

  • App preview
  • Screenshots and videos can add wonders to the promotion of the app. It is good to show the users that how can they use the app in a most effective way.

  • Social sharing
  • It is very important to make social sharing easy for the users. Feeds can be added directly to the landing page.

  • Call to action
  • Responsive pages are the most wonderful elements of the app. It is good to add links that directly take the user to the proper store.

    The list to create landing pages is not exhaustive and the pages are the only reason the services took off. The potential user will always visit the launch page first and then visit the other pages and it is nice to cater for the best conversion of the app.

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