Current best practices in web design for improved digital marketing


In the digital marketing world, a brand’s website can either make or break your company. All efforts you may be making at improving your digital marketing results may be scuppered if the design of your website is flawed. This piece takes a look at web design practices which must be embraced if you want your brand to be successful.

digital marketing

Responsive design

Any business that has yet to adopt a responsive web design is already well behind the times. A large number of people have moved towards more use of their cell phones to access the internet. What this means is that a responsive design is no longer a luxury reserved for the big brands but something for every single business with a website needs to embrace.

Use of image and video backgrounds

Typically you have less than 10 seconds to grab the attention of the user when they get to your landing page. So make those seconds count and ensure repeat visits. One way to achieve this is to use images, which blend in with the overall theme of the site’s background.

Continuous scrolling

The concept of continuous scrolling will serve you well when you have a lot of content to display. It’s especially beneficial if your web page has lots of images. Endless scrolling saves visitors from having to load multiple pages. It also helps minimise the risk of a visitor losing interest as they navigate to the next page. It is easier to retain attention when eye catching content is just a scroll away.

Card design

A concept was popularised by Pinterest, card design simply involves putting the content of your page in a rectangular or square shape. This allows you to display a lot of information on one page in a clean and organised manner.The best Kitchener digital marketing agencies are incorporating this design into most brand website developments.

Clean and interactive infographics

In today’s society there is a lot of emphasis on data. Businesses’ are therefore faced with the challenge of finding the best way to present the data in a user-friendly manner. One such way is to create simple and attention grabbing infographics. The infographics presents the data you need to communicate to your audience without having to sift through walls of texts. The best infographics are colourful, direct and have many benefits.

Use of flat design

Flat design simply focuses on making sure visitors can easily find the information they are looking for. Instead of reinventing the wheel and layering menus, the average web visitor will appreciate an intuitive design that is clean and uncluttered.
Use these website design tips to remodel your website and enhance your digital marketing efforts.