Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)


This is our daily mobile app inspiration article for our loyal readers.Every day we are showcasing a mobile app design whether live on app stores or only designed as concept.

Today’s mobile application Venteo is designed and developed by Alicja Wydmanska and Jazzy Innovations.

Venteo is an app that links with your Facebook profile, you log in and all of your event data is pulled and viewable on your past and upcoming feeds.

Next comes the fun part, when an event is running you simply check-in and start taking pictures!

Super fast uploads allow you and all other attendees to collaborate into one easily scrollable album, designed to get everyone involved. Pictures can then be liked, promoted and shared to all of your friends.

4.Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)

5.Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)

1.Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)

2.Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)

3.Mobile App Design Inspiration – Venteo (available on App Store)

Available On App Store