Web Designers vs. Clients – 3 Infographics You Should See


With a freelancing career, it is a constant challenge of trying to find new clients, managing the needs of existing clients, taking payments, chasing overdue accounts payable, and then doing it all over again.Designers also have the habit of working considerably longer hours than they ever did in their mainstream careers because they need enough billable hours to survive and prosper, but also need time to market their services, organize their business and so on.

Well,every web designer, across his carrier, at least once,has a problem when dealing with his/her clients.These problems are mostly similar for every web designer and the below 3 infographics show us the similar problems when we deal with them.

A Website Designed



The Anatomy of a Horrible Web Design Client

We’ve all dealt with the typical web design client. We thought it would be fun to take a tongue-in-cheek look at the people who pay the bills: the customers who drive us crazy.


5 Things Every Designer Should Know When Dealing With Clients

5 things every designer should know when dealing with clients

by basekit.
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  1. Tom